In his A Song of Ice and Fire series, George RR Martin created a character named Walder who is a stableboy for the Stark family in Winterfell. Walder is only able to speak a single word: hodor. As a...


In his A Song of Ice and Fire series, George RR Martin created a character named Walder who is a stableboy for the Stark family in Winterfell. Walder is only able to speak a single word: hodor. As a result, people mistakenly assume<br>that his name is Hodor. Based on your understanding of neuroscience, what area would you assume has been damaged or lesioned in Walder's brain?<br>O Substantia nigra.<br>O Wernicke's area.<br>O Broca's area.<br>O Subthalamic nucleus.<br>

Extracted text: In his A Song of Ice and Fire series, George RR Martin created a character named Walder who is a stableboy for the Stark family in Winterfell. Walder is only able to speak a single word: hodor. As a result, people mistakenly assume that his name is Hodor. Based on your understanding of neuroscience, what area would you assume has been damaged or lesioned in Walder's brain? O Substantia nigra. O Wernicke's area. O Broca's area. O Subthalamic nucleus.

Jun 08, 2022

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