LVS I NEN & Q 5G ll 75%Nicol AccountingNov 21, 6:06 AM/Z Editarke slar structure (Textbook p. 38) in PDF here730 ES |31Y Marketing Plan StructureI. Executive SummaryM 1s 1e m...

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Marketing implementation

Evaluation and control

LVS I NEN & Q 5G ll 75% Nicol Accounting Nov 21, 6:06 AM /Z Edit arke slar structure (Textbook p. 38) in PDF here 730 ES | 31Y Marketing Plan Structure I. Executive Summary M 1s 1e m an k II. Situation Analysis I of th ternal environment b. Analysis of the customer environme ly of the external environment HL SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) tunit of the SWOT matrix Yevelopin, tive advantages eloping a strategic focus IV. Marketing Goals and Objectives V. Marketing Strategy a Primary (and secondary) target market branding strategy ricing strateg ¢. Distribution, y chain strategy {Inte d marketing communication (promotion) strat VL Marketing Implementation a tural issues b. Tactical marketing activitie VIL Evaluation and Control a Formal controls b. Informal controls ¢ Implementation schedule and timeline d. Marketing audits WMO YIM FuyeIoqei[od Aq PIA? ayo ar ) SMITA 1OW0}SNO [231 SASH pra ‘onjqnd 10} syeads 1, asexyd ay) pUNOIE AAJOAAI SOAT}OD [qo pu SB Suppo JUOIND 720T ‘¥ 1equeced Suery) "gd ueny Id 10-1€S SunayIeN ssauisng JO [00Y2S -K)ISI9ATU() IBIS INO1302UU0D) [BHU yneg euern ‘poly eyqoys ‘oxyanyd A0OIN mq wp apisu] -s42ddis DON ued SupdIEl J1B9)eNS
Answered Same DayNov 29, 2022

Answer To: LVS I NEN & Q 5G ll 75%Nicol AccountingNov 21, 6:06 AM/Z Editarke slar structure (Textbook...

Shubham answered on Nov 29 2022
53 Votes
Marketing implementation
Structural Issue
    The structural issue with the customer review marketing includes reviewers that are owner, marketers or employees that may provide falsified reviews that reduce the product sales and ratings. The reviewer may pretend that customers are lying abou
t the critical details of the transaction that can harm the business. It includes enhancing close orientation that is needed to customers that will be implemented in different steps. It will provide funds for enhancing market research. The research includes an important role in shading the light on the priorities of the market. The research is conducted and it includes feedback mechanisms that will be developed for enabling customers to share the experience with the firm (Chen et al. 2019). It is based on the information that is collected by the firm for prioritizing the process that will help in promoting the restructuring of the organization. The organization that is required to remodify the research team along with feedback mechanism for bidding that ensures relevant information with the preference of customers. The marketing activities can be cut across departments and employees for instance will help in getting through the strategic approach for enhancing the achievement of the marketing objectives and goals.
Tactical Marketing activities
Tactical Marketing activities include implementation of the technique that can help the company in achieving the marketing goal. It involves performing marketing activities that include getting customer reviews that will help the company in increasing sales. It depends on marketing objectives for outlining the strategic marketing plan. It is important for defining the specific action of the company that can help in accomplishing the marketing goal. It includes defining tactics that can help the company in achieving larger objectives. It includes actionable steps that can help in realizing goals. The marketing transition strategy from inception for providing marketing teams with actionable tasks that can help in supporting marketing objectives.
    It requires performing business analysis that can help in locating best opportunities for growth. It considers defining the area for improving and determining priorities. It is important to define the current state of the existing customer and includes ongoing agreement and it should be considered for defining the target audience and determining location and platform for expanding the business (Hwang, Wang & Pașamehmetoġlu, 2021). Defining marketing objectives uses the information from the analysis for defining the goal along with opportunities and strengths. The design of the marketing strategy can help in outlining the marketing plan that can help in focusing on the phase of marketing strategy.
Evaluation and control
Formal controls
    The customer feedback and review is the part of the...

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