In DNA sequencing: a. d NTPs differ from d N TPS in that d NTPs are lacking a OH at the (circle one) 2’ carbon 3’ carbon 5’ carbon b. Synthesis of the newly sequenced DNA begins at the (circle one) 5’...

In DNA sequencing: a. d NTPs differ from d N TPS in that d NTPs are lacking a OH at the (circle one) 2’ carbon 3’ carbon 5’ carbon b. Synthesis of the newly sequenced DNA begins at the (circle one) 5’ end 3’ end c. On a sequencing gel, the 5’ end of the new sequence corresponds to the (circle one) shortest fragment longest fragment d. The four nucleotides are distinguished from each other based on (circle one) length of fragment fluorescent labelling presence of d d NTP e. The shortest fragment corresponds to the _____ of the newly sequenced DNA (circle one) 5’ end 3’ end f. The new sequence can be read, in a 5’ to 3’ sequence by analyzing the gel from (circle one top to bottom OR bottom to top Please explain how you got these, thank you very much.

May 19, 2022

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