In Chapter 8, you wrote an application named DistanceFromAverage that allows a user to enter up to 20 double values and then displays each entered value and its distance from the average. Now, modify...

In Chapter 8, you wrote an application named DistanceFromAverage that allows a user

to enter up to 20 double values and then displays each entered value and its distance

from the average. Now, modify that program to first prompt the user to enter a number

that represents the array size. Java generates a NegativeArraySizeException if you

attempt to create an array with a negative size, and it creates a NumberFormatException

if you attempt to create an array using a nonnumeric value for the size. Handle these

exceptions using a catch block that displays an appropriate message. If the array is

created successfully, use exception-handling techniques to ensure that each entered

array value is a double before the program calculates each element’s distance from the

average. Save the file as

May 19, 2022

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