In Chapter 12, the authors discussthe work of Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross whois famous for her work on the stages of death and dying. She has found that people go through 5 stages in facing their death.
The five stages are: 1) Denial, 2) Anger 3) Bargaining, 4) Depression, and 5) Acceptance.
Manybelieve that people also go through these stages when other bad things happen (e.g. sports injury, divorce,loss of job,etc.) Discuss a time in your life when you went though all or some of the 5 stages. If you are stuck in one of the stageslist specific steps on how you can move forward.
This assignment needs to be at least4
FULLpages long (double spaced) in12 point New Times Roman font.
Submit as a Word document to
[email protected]
.If the assignment is not in a Word document it will not be graded.Put your Course and Section number in the email subject line.
Do not use "bullet points" in your paper.
No late work accepted.
Grading breakdown:
Total points: 50
20 points: Content
20 points: page length / proper font
10 points: spelling/grammar (indenting paragraphs, sentence structure, etc.)