IN C++ Write a program that represents a playlist on a video streaming service. Each video has a title and total minutes. The user should be able to do the following with the playlist: Add video to...

IN C++

Write a program that represents a playlist on a video streaming service. Each video has a title and total minutes. The user should be able to do the following with the playlist:

  1. Add video to list

  2. Remove video from list

  3. Display list in alphabetical order by title

  4. Exit playlist

Your driver file will need a storage object that can handle any amount of videos. You will also need to provide a menu that shows and performs the various options above. The menu should continue to display until the user selects the "Exit playlist" option. A description of each menu option is listed below:

  • Add video to list

    • Prompts the user for a video title and total minutes

    • Then your code stores the video onto the storage object of your choice

  • Remove video from list

    • Prompts the user for a video title

    • Then your code removes that video from your storage object

  • Display list in alphabetical order

    • Displays the video's title and total minutes for each video in your storage object.

      • Sample format: Title (103 mins.)

    • The videos are in alphabetical order based on the title

  • Exit playlist

    • Quits the menu and ends the program

Answer the following questions at the top of the main() as a comment block.

  1. What is the Big-O of your insert or add functionality?

  2. What is the Big-O of your remove functionality?

  3. Is there a more efficient approach in terms of Big-O for your insert and remove? Why or why not. Please explain your reasoning.

Jun 08, 2022

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