In a transmission, digital data of 1 10110101011 will be transmitted a. CRC algorithm will be used for error detection. By using generating polynom G(x) = x^3+1, FCS(error control) bits are calculated...

In a transmission, digital data of 1 10110101011 will be transmitted<br>a. CRC algorithm will be used for error detection. By using generating polynom G(x) = x^3+1, FCS(error control) bits are calculated and added to above data. Altough some of data bits are changed during signal<br>transmission receiver could not detect the error. In this situation, at least how many bits might be changed? Why? Give an example.<br>b. For error detection 2D Parity is used. During the transmission if underscored bits are changed, can the receiver detect the error with column parities?(consider 4 columns and 3 rows)<br>

Extracted text: In a transmission, digital data of 1 10110101011 will be transmitted a. CRC algorithm will be used for error detection. By using generating polynom G(x) = x^3+1, FCS(error control) bits are calculated and added to above data. Altough some of data bits are changed during signal transmission receiver could not detect the error. In this situation, at least how many bits might be changed? Why? Give an example. b. For error detection 2D Parity is used. During the transmission if underscored bits are changed, can the receiver detect the error with column parities?(consider 4 columns and 3 rows)

Jun 10, 2022

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