In a slotted ALOHA system collided packets are all lost and single transmitted packets are assumed to be lost with probability 20% due to noise. Each transmitter needs to send a 15 kbit message on average every 10 seconds following the Poisson process, even if the previous messages have not yet been sent. Assume the compound process of retransmitted and new messages will also form a Poisson process. Assume the transmitters know if a packet is successfully received or not immediately after its transmission. When sending a packet, the transmission data rate of the transmitter is determined by R = 10 × SNR kbps. The transmission power Pt is determined by Pt = Pr × d4/z, where Pr is the constant received power and Pr = 15e−4 mW. z = 0.2 is the power amplifier efficiency. The noise power is No = 1e−4 mW. d is the distance between the transmitter and receiver of each communicating pair and is uniformly distributed between 10 and 100 meters. Each transmitter consumes 200 mW circuit power in the data transmission mode. If a transmitter is not transmitting data, it always sleeps and consumes 20 mW circuit power in the sleep mode. There is no delay or additional energy consumption in switching between the different modes. (a) Determine the CDF of transmission power of the transmitters in the transmission mode. (b) Determine the CDF of average power consumption of a transmitter if there is only one communicating pair. (c) If there is only one communicating pair with d = 50 meters, what is the energy efficiency of the transmitter? (d) How many communicating pairs can this system support? (e) When the maximum number of pairs given in (d) exist in the network, determine the energy efficiency of a transmitter which is 50 meters distant from its receiver.
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