In a multi-paragraph, standard MLA Google Doc, explore and analyze one of the key characters in your chosen novel. This could be the protagonist, antagonist, or any character who plays a central role...

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In a multi-paragraph, standard MLA Google Doc, explore and analyze one of the key characters in your chosen novel. This could be the protagonist, antagonist, or any character who plays a central role in the development of the story’s plot and tension. In your analysis of the key character, be sure to compare and contrast him or her with at least one other character from the novel. Consider their behaviours and personalities, their physical and psychological selves. In your introduction, briefly introduce the author and novel and provide a concise synopsis that explores the book up to the farthest point you have read. At this stage, you should be at least half way through your novel. Make sure the introduction includes a theme based thesis statement that reveals qualities about the character and the literary devices that the author uses to shape the character. For a list of literary devices. See the attached PDF. The body of the paper should have at least three analytic paragraphs that include: 1)a clear claim about the character 2)specific and concrete evidence from the text 3)analysis of the evidence that convincingly links the evidence to the claim. Use a variety of analytic verbs: suggest, imply, highlight, reveal, symbolize, convey, emphasize, evoke, etc.

English 12 Terms and Devices Ministry of Education - 1 - English 12 2012/13 School Year Terms and Devices ENGLISH 12 TERMS AND DEVICES A active voice allegory alliteration allusion analogy antagonist anti-climax antithesis apostrophe argumentative essay anecdotal evidence archaic language aside assonance atmosphere audience autobiography B ballad ballad stanza bias biography blank verse C cacophony caricature case study catastrophe cause and effect character characterization character foil chorus chronological order cliché climactic order climax colloquialism colloquial language comedy comic relief compare and contrast comparison conflict connotation consonance* contrast couplet D denotation dénouement descriptive essay dialect dialogue diary diction didactic dilemma direct presentation dissonance drama dramatic irony dramatic monologue dramatic form dynamic character E editorial elegy emotional appeal epic epilogue epiphany epigram epitaph euphemism euphony expert testimony exposition expository essay extended metaphor external conflict F fable falling action fantasy farce figurative language first person point of view flashback flat character foil foreshadowing form formal essay formal language frame story free verse G genre graphic text H hero historical reference hyperbole I iambic pentameter idiom image imagery indeterminate ending indirect presentation informal essay informal language interior monologue internal conflict internal rhyme irony * consonance is defined in two ways: 1) the repetition of consonant sounds before and after differing vowels, such as “flip-flop,” “feel-fill.” OR 2) the repetition of consonant sounds at the ends of words only, as in “east-west,” or “hid-bed.” Literary Terms: A Dictionary 3rd ed. (Karl Beckson, Arthur Ganz, 1989) Ministry of Education - 2 - English 12 2012/13 School Year Terms and Devices J jargon juxtaposition L legend limited omniscient point of view literal language lyric M melodrama metaphor metre monologue mood mystery myth N narrative narration narrator O objective (language tone etc.) objective point of view octave ode omniscient point of view onomatopoeia oxymoron P paradox parallelism parody passive voice pastoral pathos personal essay personification persuasive essay persuasive technique plot point of view pro and con argument prologue propaganda protagonist proverb purpose pun Q quatrain question and answer R refrain repetition research resolution rhetorical question rhyme rhyme scheme rhythm rising action round character S sarcasm satire sestet setting simile slang soliloquy sonnet speaker stanza stream of consciousness statistical evidence static character stereotype stock / stereotyped character story within a story style stylistic technique subjective (language tone etc.) surprise ending suspense symbol symbolism T theme thesis thesis statement third person point of view tone tragedy U understatement V voice W wit< ascii85encodepages="" false="" allowtransparency="" false="" autopositionepsfiles="" true="" autorotatepages="" none="" binding="" left="" calgrayprofile="" (dot="" gain="" 20%)="" calrgbprofile="" (srgb="" iec61966-2.1)="" calcmykprofile="" (u.s.="" web="" coated="" \050swop\051="" v2)="" srgbprofile="" (srgb="" iec61966-2.1)="" cannotembedfontpolicy="" error="" compatibilitylevel="" 1.4="" compressobjects="" tags="" compresspages="" true="" convertimagestoindexed="" true="" passthroughjpegimages="" true="" createjobticket="" false="" defaultrenderingintent="" default="" detectblends="" true="" detectcurves="" 0.0000="" colorconversionstrategy="" cmyk="" dothumbnails="" false="" embedallfonts="" true="" embedopentype="" false="" parseiccprofilesincomments="" true="" embedjoboptions="" true="" 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Answered Same DayJun 15, 2021

Answer To: In a multi-paragraph, standard MLA Google Doc, explore and analyze one of the key characters in your...

Parul answered on Jun 16 2021
161 Votes
The book "Maze Runner" written by American author James Dashner, describing journey of young individuals in a dystopian world. It is a science fiction novel but pro
vides the reader with some critical insights of human behavior combined with powerful messages. The novel takes us to the place in future. Setting portrayed in the book is of expansive green land field called as "The Glade". Surrounding in the Glade is a maze in circular form that changes every day. People who live in the Glade are referred to as "Glader" who sends people outside referred as "Runner" in order to comprehend the Maze and solve it accordingly. The novel opens up, with a boy in his teen awakening in a dark elevator. He faintly recalls his name, Thomas but have no other memory of he landed in the elevator and about his life. Thomas, vaguely remembers people and events however, all his memories feels obscure and beyond the grasp. As the elevator stops, Thomas calls for help and to his surprise finds the roof of the elevator opening along with throwing a sharp silver light that blinds him. He hear voices of other teenagers calling him names like "Klunk" and "Greenie". While Thomas adjusting to the light, he finds rope thrown toward him by the other teenagers to get Thomas out of the elevator. Thomas holds the role and come out of elevator where one of the boys refer to him as shank and welcomes him to a place known as Glade.
Character that I have chosen to describe is Thomas, who plays the protagonist in the novel. Furthermore, I have compared it with another lead and important character Teresa.
Claim about the Character
Thomas is the protagonist of the novel who is shown as a teenage boy entering the Glade struggling to get his memories. As the story opens up,...

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