In a Loan Management System, the loan applicant will have to subrnit his requirements including the loan application form. In a scenario where the loan applicant has incomplete requirements, what do...

In a Loan Management System, the loan applicant will have to subrnit his<br>requirements including the loan application form. In a scenario where the<br>loan applicant has incomplete requirements, what do you think is the error<br>when this is translated to DFD? *<br>a. Black Hole<br>b. Grey Hole<br>c. Miracle<br>d. Spontaneous Generation<br>

Extracted text: In a Loan Management System, the loan applicant will have to subrnit his requirements including the loan application form. In a scenario where the loan applicant has incomplete requirements, what do you think is the error when this is translated to DFD? * a. Black Hole b. Grey Hole c. Miracle d. Spontaneous Generation

Jun 08, 2022

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