in 80x86 assembly language modify below code to check if string is palindrome or not ; Reversing a String (RevStr.asm) ; This program reverses a string. INCLUDE .386 .model flat,stdcall...

in 80x86 assembly language modify below code to check if string is palindrome or not ; Reversing a String (RevStr.asm) ; This program reverses a string. INCLUDE .386 .model flat,stdcall .stack 4096 ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword .data aName byte "rotator",0 nameSize = ($ - aName) - 1 .code main proc ; Push the name on the stack. mov ecx,nameSize mov esi,0 L1: movzx eax,aName[esi] ; get character push eax ; push on stack inc esi loop L1 ; Pop the name from the stack in reverse ; and store it in the aName array. mov ecx,nameSize mov esi,0 L2: pop eax ; get character mov aName[esi],al ; store in string inc esi loop L2 mov edx,OFFSET aName call WriteString call Crlf Invoke ExitProcess,0 main endp end main

May 19, 2022

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