Implementation of the solution in the C++ or Java language • Implementation of the solution in ARMv8 assembly, with comments explaining the purpose of each line Task 1 An automorphic number is a...

Implementation of the solution in the C++ or Java language

• Implementation of the solution in ARMv8 assembly, with comments explaining the purpose of each line

Task 1

An automorphic number is a number n whose square ends in n. For instance, 5 is automorphic, because 52 = 25, which ends in 5. Design and implement an ARMv8 program that reads a positive integer from the user and then calculates and prints all the automorphic numbers (decimal base) that are less than or equal to the entered integer. If the entered integer is not positive, an error message is displayed. As an example, if 100 is entered, the program will print all the automorphic numbers up to 100: 1, 5, 6, 25, 76.

Jun 11, 2022

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