Implement the build_dictionary() function to build a word frequency dictionary from a list of words. Ex: If the words list is: ["hey", "hi", "Mark", "hi", "mark"] the dictionary returned from calling...

Implement the build_dictionary() function to build a word frequency dictionary from a list of words.

Ex: If the words list is:

["hey", "hi", "Mark", "hi", "mark"]

the dictionary returned from calling build_dictionary(words) is:

{'hey': 1, 'hi': 2, 'Mark': 1, 'mark': 1}

Ex: If the words list is:

["zyBooks", "now", "zyBooks", "later", "zyBooks", "forever"]

the dictionary returned from calling build_dictionary(words) is:

{'zyBooks': 3, 'now': 1, 'later': 1, 'forever': 1}

The main code builds the word list from an input string, calls build_dictionary() to build the dictionary, and displays the dictionary sorted by key value.

Ex: If the input is:

hey hi Mark hi mark

the output is:

Mark: 1

hey: 1

hi: 2

mark: 1


# The words parameter is a list of strings.
def build_dictionary(words):
    # The frequencies dictionary will be built with your code below.
    # Each key is a word string and the corresponding value is an integer
    # indicating that word's frequency.

    ''' Type your code here (remove the "pass" statement below) '''

# The following code asks for input, splits the input into a word list,
# calls build_dictionary(), and displays the contents sorted by key.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    words = input().split()
    your_dictionary = build_dictionary(words)
    sorted_keys = sorted(your_dictionary.keys())
    for key in sorted_keys:
        print(key + ': ' + str(your_dictionary[key]))

Jun 11, 2022

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