Implement a Tribool data type. This is a data type that can have one of three values, True, False, and unknown (for which use None). In addition to __init__(), implement __str__(), __repr__(),...

Implement a Tribool data type. This is a data type that can have one of three

values, True, False, and unknown (for which use None). In addition to

__init__(), implement __str__(), __repr__(), __cmp__(),

__nonzero__() for conversion to bool(), __invert__() for logical not

(~), __and__() for logical and (&), and __or__() for logical or (|). There

are two possible logics that can be used: propagating, where any expression

involving unknown (i.e., None) is unknown, and non-propagating where any

expression involving unknown that can be evaluated is evaluated. Use nonpropagating logic so that your Tribools match the truth table, and where t

is Tribool(True), f is Tribool(False) and n is Tribool(None) (for


Expression Result Expression Result Expression Result

~t False ~f True ~n None

t & t True t & f False t & n None

f & f False f & n False n & n None

t | t True t | f True t | n True

f | f False f | n None n | n None

For example, with non-propagating logic, True | None, is True, because so

long as one operand to logical or is true, the expression is true. But False |

None is None (unknown), because we cannot determine the result.

Most of the methods can be implemented in just a few lines of code. Make sure

you use the doctest module and write unit tests for all the methods

May 26, 2022

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