Implement a simple e-mail messaging system. A message has a recipient, a sender, and a message text. A mailbox can store messages. Supply a number of mailboxes for different users and a user interface...

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Implement a simple e-mail messaging system. A message has a recipient, a sender, and<br>a message text. A mailbox can store messages. Supply a number of mailboxes for<br>different users and a user interface for users to log in, send messages to other users,<br>read their own messages, and log out. Follow the design process that was described in<br>this chapter.<br>Draw updated UML diagram as well as CRC card and submit as PDF file with your<br>name and Id number. (hint: you may do this by hand but ensure clarity of your work)<br>

Extracted text: Implement a simple e-mail messaging system. A message has a recipient, a sender, and a message text. A mailbox can store messages. Supply a number of mailboxes for different users and a user interface for users to log in, send messages to other users, read their own messages, and log out. Follow the design process that was described in this chapter. Draw updated UML diagram as well as CRC card and submit as PDF file with your name and Id number. (hint: you may do this by hand but ensure clarity of your work)

Jun 11, 2022

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