I'm using C++ to write a program that converts from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa, with the option of displaying the Kelvin temperature with a Y/N message. When compiling, two error messages...

I'm using C++ to write a program that converts from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa, with the option of displaying the Kelvin temperature with a Y/N message. When compiling, two error messages pop up saying function does not take 1 parameters in regards to the show Degrees K function. Can someone figure out what I need to do to fix this? My code I have so far is below. Please make sure the code compiles and the output looks something like this. Welcome to the Temperature Converter! Would you like to see degrees Kelvin (K) in the results? (Y/N): Y Select conversion type (1=F to C, 2=C to F, 0=end): 1 Enter your Fahrenheit temperature: 32 A temp of 32 Fahrenheit converted to Celsius = 0 C. This is also a temperature of: 273.15 K Select conversion type (1=F to C, 2=C to F, 0=end): 2 Enter your Celsius temperature: 100 A temp of 100 Celsius converted to Fahrenheit = 212 F. This is also a temperature of: 373.15 K Select conversion type (1=F to C, 2=C to F, 0=end): 0 Thanks for using the temperature converter! Here is the code I've written so far. #include "stdafx.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace System; double FtoC(double t); double CT of(double t); double show Degrees K(char k choice, int, double); int main() { double temp, result int choice; char k choice; cout > k choice; cout > choice if (choice == 1

May 19, 2022

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