Assessment 1 Reflective Journal The purpose of this assessment exercise is twofold: firstly, it aims to get you to think critically about several key issues raised in your readings and the...

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Assessment 1 Reflective Journal The purpose of this assessment exercise is twofold: firstly, it aims to get you to think critically about several key issues raised in your readings and the accompanying lectures; secondly, it aims to get you to begin using the critical terminology you will have encountered in your readings and the accompanying lectures. Thinking critically means thinking in a way that demands and seeks clarity of ideas, precision with definitions, and an understanding of key presuppositions. Presuppositions are in many ways the most important focus of what critical thinking entails because it essentially demands that we interrogate what we take for granted, i.e. that which we don’t think about but nonetheless think with. Critiques of ‘white privilege’, ‘gender bias’, ‘homophobia’ and so on are all critiques of presuppositions, assumptions that are made about the world that aren’t factored into thought. When we think or say, ‘that’s no job for a woman’ (as people have said in the past about a range of professions) we are presupposing a set intrinsic limits and restrictions relating to our understanding of what being a woman entails. Overturning those assumptions has been a century long labour of critical thinking and activism. Taking that same critical mindset of refusing to accept assumptions at face value, your task with the following questions is to write short critical responses (250 words per question) that address the critical issues they raise. I have added a brief outline of the issues that I think these questions raise, but you should feel free to add your own, and to respond selectively (ie I don’t expect you to respond to all the issues). Question 1 (week 2) According to Nixon, we lack the means to represent slow forms of violence. Why is this a problem? Issues to consider: • What does Nixon mean by representation? • What makes slow forms of violence particularly resistant to representation? • Is this intrinsic to slow violence? Or is it a failure of our creative imaginations (as Fredric Jameson might argue)? • Think of an example of something that is abundantly represented – romantic love, let’s say – then ask why it might matter that something such as slow violence is not abundantly represented. Question 2 (Week 3) Birch says we need to hear indigenous peoples as saying something true. What does he mean by this? What does it mean to hear something as true? Issues to consider: • What does Birch mean by the word ‘true’? • How does his use of the word ‘true’ compare with other possible meanings of this word? • What does Birch mean by ‘hear’? What is the opposite of not hearing? Is not hearing the same as not listening? • What will happen if we don’t hear indigenous peoples as saying something true? Question 3 (Week 4) What does Moreton-Robinson mean by white sovereignty? Issues to consider: • What is meant by the term ‘sovereignty’? • Why does Moreton-Robinson use the term ‘white sovereignty’ rather than settler sovereignty, or colonial sovereignty? • Why is the issue of sovereignty a central concern for Moreton-Robinson? What other concepts does it displace or replace? Question 4 (Week 5) According to Danowski and Viveiros the anthropomorphic and the anthropocentric worldviews are dialectically opposed? Issues to consider: • What do Danowski and Viveiros mean by dialectical? (Hint: its meaning does not derive from the word ‘dialect’ as it is used in linguistics – so look it up!) • What is the difference (according to Danowski and Viveiros) between the anthropomorphic and the anthropocentric worldviews? • Why (according to Danowski and Viveiros) are they dialectically opposed and not simply opposites? • What is the significance (according to Danowski and Viveiros) of the difference between the anthropomorphic and the anthropocentric worldviews?
Answered Same DayApr 07, 2021

Answer To: Assessment 1 Reflective Journal The purpose of this assessment exercise is twofold: firstly, it aims...

Tanaya answered on Apr 20 2021
137 Votes
Table of Contents
Question 1    3
Question 2    4
Question 3    5
Question 4    5
References    7
Question 1
The concept of representation mentioned by Nixon
In my opinion, Nixon (2011) has portrayed the concept of representation based on the economic and political condition
of a country. In one hand to avoid, the increasing pressure that was created by the environmentalists from the rich country due to the growing toxic waste and for appeasing the growing discontent about the environment in the rich nation he took the decision of disposing of the toxic garbage in economically poorer countries like African countries. Although he termed this process as a redistribution of toxic waste, his idea was to revert the garbage to a country where there is less exposure. Therefore, no one is going to raise environmental concerns from any part of these countries of Africa because it already has enough economic challenges.
The extent slow violence acts as resistant to representation
As Nixon (2011) explained, slow violence is much more ethically incorrect and offensive than normal violence. In normal violence, there is an immediate destruction a, plunder and death. Nevertheless, in slow violence, the impact is so. Probably when you are in the process of dumping some of the toxic waste in a remote African country, no one even will notice it is having in the environment and to the local people. However, eventually, after a few years when the waste disposal increases, things situation will be beyond any control. The people not only just the local another in the nearby states will get affected by the toxic waste.
The extent one lacks the intrinsic slow violence
The extent of the slow violence is huge, it is slow, and eventually, it completely lays impacts on the greenhouse gases. The toxic waste will slowly cause more death that poverty and the other disease that is persistent in poor countries in Africa.
The failure in creative imagination related to slow violence and the reason behind slow violence being not abundantly represented
Rather than bypassing the problem and exacerbating the vulnerability of the ecosystem, it would have been better had, the government of the rich countries would find mean to destroy or reduce the toxic waste rather than supporting the disposal of the waste, which have the power to permeate slowly into the lives of the poor people.
I feel slow violence is unrepresented because it is easy to suppress the consequence in the beginning. People have a more visible problem in these countries to put importance on the increasing toxic waste until it no longer is suppressed and has started causing diseases and impacting on their lives.
Question 2
The meaning of the word ‘True’ used by Birch
I assume with the word 'True' Birch (2017) is trying to emphasize the principle of humanity and in what respect...

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