If we observe an increase in the price of a good and an increase in the amount of the good bought and sold, this could be explained by an increase in the supply of the good. an increase in the demand...

If we observe an increase in the price of a good and an increase in the amount of the good bought and sold, this could<br>be explained by<br>an increase in the supply of the good.<br>an increase in the demand for the good.<br>a decrease in the demand for the good.<br>a decrease in the supply of the good.<br>

Extracted text: If we observe an increase in the price of a good and an increase in the amount of the good bought and sold, this could be explained by an increase in the supply of the good. an increase in the demand for the good. a decrease in the demand for the good. a decrease in the supply of the good.

Jun 09, 2022

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