If Banc One wanted to manage its interest rate exposure without using swaps, what could it do? Specifically, how could it move from being asset-sensitive to either neutral or mildly...

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If Banc One wanted to manage its interest rate exposure without using swaps, what could it do? Specifically, how could it move from being asset-sensitive to either neutral or mildly liability-sensitive without using swaps? What are the pros and cons of using swaps vs. these other means of adjusting the bank's interest rate sensitivity? What impact do they have on the bank's interest rate sensitivity, liquidity, accounting ratios, and capital ratios?

  1. What are AIRS? How do they work? Why is Banc One using them so extensively?

  1. What are basis swaps? Why has Banc One recently significantly increased its basis swap position?

  1. How might its derivatives portfolio be damaging the bank's stock price? What exactly are analysts and investors worried about?

  1. What should McCoy do?

Document Preview:

For the exclusive use of T. SPHABMIXAY 9-294-079 REV: JULY 1, 2008 BEN ESTY PETER TUFANO JONATHAN S. HEADLEY Banc One Corporation Asset and Liability Management [Derivatives are] simply another Wall Street-developed house of cards. 1 — Representative Joseph Kennedy You can call it [the use of derivatives] whatever you want, but in my book it’s gambling. 2 — Representative Henry Gonzalez, Chairman, House Banking Committee Our use of derivatives is just one more step in the evolution of banking. — John B. McCoy, Chairman and CEO, Banc One Corporation On November 15, 1993, Dick Lodge, Banc One Corporation’s (Banc One’s) chief investment officer (CIO), gathered his notes and headed for a meeting with John B. McCoy, Banc One’s chairman and CEO. On the way, he recalled the lunchtime conversation on the golf course six weeks earlier, during which McCoy had first voiced concern over Banc One’s falling share price—from a high of $48 3/4 in April 1993 to just $36 3/4 (see Exhibit 1). McCoy attributed the decline to investor concern over Banc One’s large and growing interest rate derivatives portfolio. During their discussion in September, McCoy had asked Lodge, who was responsible for managing the bank’s investment and derivatives portfolio, to think about ways to deal with this problem. McCoy had been prompted into action not only by the continued price decline, but also by the comments of equity analysts who covered Banc One: The increased use of interest rate swaps is creating some sizable distortions in reported earnings, reported earning assets, margins, and the historical measure of return on assets. . . Were Banc One to include [swaps] in reported earning assets, the adjusted level would be 26% higher than is currently reported. . . . Given its large position in swap[s], Banc One overstates its margin by 1.31% [and its] return on assets in excess of 0.20%. . . . Adjusted for [swaps], Banc 3 One’s tangible equity-to-asset ratio...

Answered Same DayDec 22, 2021

Answer To: If Banc One wanted to manage its interest rate exposure without using swaps, what could it do?...

David answered on Dec 22 2021
126 Votes
Banc One Corporation
Question 1
Other than Swaps, Banc One can manage its interest rate exposure by using various investment
products like Forwards, Futures, Option
s, etc. Forwards provided right/ obligation to buy/sell an
underlying at a predetermined future date at an agreed price. Futures are defined in the same way
as Forwards, though there is a slight difference, Futures are traded in a centralised exchange.
Options are further divided into Embedded Options, Caps (Call), Floors (Put) and Collars.
Interest Rate Swaps
Pros Cons
 It is an effective hedging instrument.  Floating rates bein unpredictable
creates significant risks to both the
 No upfront cash Outflow required.  Counterparty risks are involved.
 Beneficial for banking Companies
Forward Contracts
Pros Cons
 Offers complete Hedging  Counter Party risks involved
 Over the counter product  Subject to default risk
 Easy to understand  Contracts once entered, difficult to
Pros Cons
 Lead to high liquidity  Offers only partial hedging
 Highly leveraged financial instruments  Low margins can lead to over trading
 Low margins  Net Price is subject to basis change
 Standardised product traded in a centralised
 cannot take advantage of favourable price
Pros Cons
 Employs considerable Leverage  Low liquidity and hence, higher spreads
 Risk Reward ration is unlimited Upside
with limited downside
 Complicated for beginners in
 Helps in creating unique strategies in
different market behaviours.
 Not available for all the stocks
 Low capital requirements ...

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