Identifying Scientific Methods in Historical Psychology Research For this Assignment, you will watch all five of the historical research videos (listed below), and then select one video to identify...

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Identifying Scientific Methods in Historical Psychology Research

For this Assignment, you will watch all five of the historical research videos (listed below), and then select one video to identify basic scientific methods used in psychology. Once you have selected your study (video), complete the Unit 2 Assignment Template (located in Course Documents), which will guide you through writing a cohesive paper. This Assignment will provide you with a connection between the major psychology studies and concepts.

Watch each of the following:

Next, select one the videos, and write a 2-4 page paper (not including Title and Reference pages) addressing the following points:

  1. Identify the historical research study (video) you selected from the list above.

  2. Summarize the results of this study and what implications it has with regards to human behavior and mental processes that you have learned about in Units 1-2.

  3. Describe what this study demonstrated about the scientific method using the information you have learned in Units 1-2.

  4. Identify the research method you see demonstrated in the study and explain your reasoning for choosing that method.

  5. Do you think this historical research was ethical or unethical? Explain your reasoning using American Psychological Association (APA) ethical guidelines described in your reading.

Writing Requirements and Assignment Guidelines

Your Assignment should be 2-4 pages, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:

  • Title page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and unit number, and date

  • Body: Answer the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs

  • Reference Page: Sources in APA format

  • Use Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced

  • Use APA Formatting and Citation style

    • If you need assistance with APA style, please visit theWriting Center.

This Assignment assesses the following Course Outcomes:

PS124-1:Identify basic scientific methods used in psychology as they relate to important historical research.

GEL-7.02:Apply ethical reasoning to ethical issues within the field of psychology.

Submitting Your Assignment

Use the provided Unit 2 Assignment Template. Save it in a location and with a name that you will remember. When you are ready to submit, select theUnit 2 Assignment Dropboxand upload your file. To view your graded work after your instructor has evaluated it, please visit your Gradebook.

Answered 1 days AfterMar 01, 2021PS124

Answer To: Identifying Scientific Methods in Historical Psychology Research For this Assignment, you will watch...

Swati answered on Mar 02 2021
152 Votes
Shadell A. Jackson
Identifying Scientific Methods in Historical Psychology Research
Unit -2
Bandura’s Bobo Doll is the one historical research study chosen from the list as this is a groundbreaking study about the aggression as conducted by psyc
hologist Albert Bandura who demonstrated that children learns through adult behavior observation. A researcher’s team executed this experiment who abused a Bobo doll verbally as well as physically in front of the children of preschool age. This resulted into the children copying the same behavior later by attacking the doll similarly. The impact of behavior of an adult on children’s behavior was studied by Bandura. Independent variable in the study was whether or not the adult was aggressive or hostile toward the Bobo doll, so in treatment condition, adults acted aggressively, for control condition 1, they did not and for control condition 2, there were no adults. Also, the impact of sex of child as well as sex of adult model was studied.
    In the experiment, subjects under experiment were assesses for imitative amount along with the non-imitative aggression reflected in generalized new situation in absence of models. The results from the experiment revealed that children who were exposed to aggressive models more aggressive behavior in resemblance with the models. In fact the mean aggression scores of them were way higher in comparison to the control as well as non-aggressive groups. Also, children exposed to aggressive condition reflected more of the non-imitative and partially imitative aggressive behavior and were less inhibited in general in behavior compared to the subjects in the non-aggressive condition. Lastly, the sex of model influenced the extent of imitation, boys showed more aggression compared to girls following exposure to male model. Children observing the aggressive model basically reproduced aggressive behavior physically as well as verbally in resemblance to model. Around 1/3rd children observing aggressive model showed repetition of the verbal responses of model whereas none of children in non aggressive model made any remarks of verbal aggressiveness.
    On the basis of these results, Bandura along with his co-authors adopted the scientific methods of research and questioned many of existing research on the social learning that had core focus on shaping up of new behaviors with the punishments and rewards. Findings of Bandura suggested that the observation of the cues that are produced by other’s behaviors is one of the effective way to elicit certain responses...

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