Answer To: Identify the main causes of obesity; provide the examples of intervention to treat obesity,...
Soumi answered on Jun 07 2021
Essay plan
Obesity is a common issue, which can turn into severe disease if not taken care of. The essay plan for the same is as mentioned below—
Obesity can be caused by a number of factors, which may vary from genetic factors; such as hormonal imbalance and deficiency to medications, social or psychological factors, eating, physical activity as well as dietary habits.
Treatments for obesity varies according to the BMI levels, which can be healthy diet and exercise, weigh loss medications, as suggested by Sahoo et al. (2015), such as Sibutramine and phentermine and gastrointestinal surgeries such as Bariatric surgeries or Vertically bended gastroplasty in cases where other treatments may not be possible or fails.
Evaluation or success of every treatments is again based upon the level of obesity and therefore for level 1 and 2 patient, healthy diet and exercise is effective while medications for level 3 and surgery is the last option for the level 4 patients because they may be prone to strokes or heart attacks (Wadden and Bray, 2018).
This essay defines the major factors or reasons that leads to obesity along with the interventions or treatments further, evaluating those treatments based upon the success of those treatments with respect to obesity.
Obesity is a very common and a complex disorder that involves accumulation of excess body fat. This not only a physical or cosmetic issue but also it effect the normal wellbeing of the individual facing it. Causes can be numerous as mentioned below; however, prescription medication and weigh loss surgery are some of the treatment options.
Potential causes of obesity
Obesity is a disease that is being characterized by the accumulation of excess fat around the body and almost around every body part. In other words, the body fat percentage increases to a higher level, which is considered as abnormal as a result Body Mass Index (BMI), is higher than 30 or even more. There are a number of factors that can lead to obesity, some of which are normal and most common while some are genetic.
Genetics – Genetics can be considered as the most common cause of obesity among individuals. If any one of the parent is obese, obesity is likely to be found within the offspring as well. There are a number of heredity or genetic factor, which can promote obesity such as hypothyroidism. As supported by Sanyal and Raychaudhuri (2016), hypothyroidism that is less secretion of thyroid have been found to be closely associated with normal weight gain because it leads to slow metabolic process with in body however, in severe cases it leads to excessive weight gain and accumulation of body fat and thus leads to obesity.
Other than this, leptin deficiency is also related with obesity as leptin is a hormone that is being produced by the fat cells and is responsible for controlling hunger when body have enough food stores however, due to lack of this hormone, control n eating habits is lost and results into obesity (Sainz et al., 2015).
Overeating or unhealthy eating – Overeating or eating large amounts of unhealthy foods that have high fat content...