Identify a project concept as per file attached. Topic about extenstion nail salon or can choose an organisation to promote any specific brand or product. More details in outline for 1st written assignment.
Page 1 of 4 Project Concept Note Project Name: Proponent: Sector: A. About the Project Project Historical Background This section provides the milestones in project development and processing. Prior studies (and related studies) and their recommendations should be indicated including highlights of decisions and actions taken, if any, on said recommendations. This section should also indicate if a parallel study/transaction advisory services is being conducted for the project, including details of the same such as the milestones achieved and latest status of the study, consultant/transaction advisor engaged and its scope of services. This section should also discuss whether unsolicited proposals were received previously for the project, and the action taken by the implementing agency (IA) in relation thereof. This section should also indicate difficulties encountered and/or issues raised in the development of the project. Rationale of the Project This section should discuss alignment/consistency of the project with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) and its inclusion in the priority government infrastructure programs (e.g. Medium-Term Public Investment Program [MTPIP], Comprehensive and Integrated Infrastructure Program [CIIP], Regional Development Investment Program [RDIP], Provincial Development Investment Program [PDIP], Local Development Investment Program [LDIP]). This section should also establish the need for the project. This section should discuss how the project attains sectoral objectives and/or addresses gaps, based on sector master plan, if any, and the identified linkages with other projects and/or programs. This section also provides the justification for the site selected and likely impact/s. Brief Description This section presents the output/s of the project being proposed for PDMF support, including the activities required. If available, this section also presents a brief description of major components. This section also indicates the location of the project, perceived benefits from the project, and target beneficiaries. This project should also discuss whether the proposed project to be funded under the PDMF is part/component of a larger project financed through other schemes such as through ODA or GAA. Page 2 of 4 Implementation Schedule This section presents the target start of implementation and completion. This section may also indicate important milestones the project has or is committed to accomplish (e.g., expected date of availability of the final FS, Investment Coordination Committee approval by a certain date). Example: Milestone Date of Achievement Commencement of Transaction Advisory Services April 2013 Submission of Draft FS/O&M Study October 2013 Submission to ICC November 2013 NEDA Board Approval February 2014 Issuance of RFQ February 2014 Issuance of RFP April 2014 Contract Signing with the Private Proponent December 2014 List of previous studies This section lists previous studies and related studies made on the project. B. Transaction Advisory Services Requirements Scope of private sector involvement This section describes how the private sector may be involved. Role/s of the private sector, in what areas of project implementation, operation and/or maintenance, perceived arrangement including cost recovery mechanisms should be indicated. Scope of Transaction Advisory Service This section indicates the purpose of the funding request. This section should contain a brief description of each major output required (e.g., demand-supply study, geotechnical survey, conceptual design, environmental impact study/assessment, risk assessment, financial analysis including financial model, PPP options study and structuring, bid process design and documents preparation, assistance/support in ICC approval, assistance/support in the bid process until financial closure, etc.). Experts/ Expertise Required This section enumerates the specialists required with their corresponding field of expertise (and/or required related field) to deliver the major outputs. Special emphasis is given into enumerating sector-specific experts1 including tasks to be performed by each. To the extent possible, minimum requirement for experience, involvement in projects, and number of projects completed, among others, should be included. Suggested format is: With international expertise 1 Expert: Qualification: Duration of Engagement (in person-months): Tasks 1. 2. 3. 1 Specialists not on the following fields of expertise - PPP, Project Finance, Project Finance Legal, Risk Management, Economics, Environmental, Gender, Social Development and Resettlement. Page 3 of 4 2 Expert: Qualification: Duration of Engagement (in person-months): Tasks 1. 2. 3. With national expertise 1 Expert: Qualification: Duration of Engagement (in person-months): Tasks 1. 2. 3. 2 Expert: Qualification: Duration of Engagement (in person-months): Tasks 1. 2. 3. Estimated funding requirements for the transaction advisory service This section indicates the estimated funding requirement to deliver the major outputs as enumerated above. C. Implementing Agency Legal Authority to undertake PPP This section establishes the legality of the agency entering into a PPP arrangement with the private sector. The section describes the agency’s mandate including relevant laws and policies that support the same. Resources to be provided by the proponent This section states resources that the agency may provide to the Transaction Advisors once engaged. This may include, among others, office space, relevant studies, and counterpart staff. NOTE: A checklist is attached (Attachment A) to assist the IA in tracking the completeness of its PDMF application and manage compliance with the information/documentary requirements based on the accomplished project concept note to be submitted to the PPP Center. The checklist will not alter the result of the evaluation of the submitted proposal/application in any manner. Page 4 of 4 Attachment A Instruction to the IA: Please check the appropriate box under the “Remark” column. Requirements Remark Yes No General: 1. Submission of the duly accomplished project concept note, including the scope of works and line-up of experts 2. Submission of endorsement by the head of agency, including the nominees for PSC/SBAC/TWG representatives 3. Submission of copies of previous studies conducted on the project (Please list down the titles of the attached documents/previous studies, if any) 3.1 _______________________________________________________ 3.2 _______________________________________________________ 3.3 _______________________________________________________ Historical Background: 4. Were prior study/ies conducted on/related to the project? 5. Were recommendations of previous studies indicated in the concept note, including highlights of decisions and actions taken based on the recommendations/findings, if any? 6. Is a parallel study/transaction advisory services being conducted for the project? 7. Were unsolicited proposal(s) received for the project? Rationale of the Project: 8. Is the project included in the priority government infrastructure programs (e.g. PIP, CIIP, RDIP, DIP, LDIP) 9. Does the concept note discuss how the project attains sectoral objectives and/or addresses gaps, based on sector master plan, if any, and the identified linkages with other projects and/or programs? Brief Description: 10. Is the project objective/s clearly presented in the concept note? 11. Are the expected project output/s and required activities clearly discussed in the concept note? 12. Are major project components clearly defined in the concept note? 13. Does the concept note indicate the location of the project, if identified, including perceived benefits and target beneficiaries? 14. Is the project part/component of a larger project financed through other schemes such as through ODA or GAA? Implementation Schedule: 15. Does the project concept note indicate the target implementation schedule for the project? Transaction Advisory Services Requirements 16. Does the concept note clearly describe how the private sector may be involved (role of the private sector) in the project? 17. Does the concept note indicate the purpose of the funding request? 18. Does the concept note provide a brief description of each major output required? 19. Does the concept note enumerate the specialists required with their corresponding field of expertise (qualifications) to deliver the major outputs? 20. Does the concept note indicate the duration of engagement of each required specialist to deliver the major outputs? 21. Does the concept note provide the estimated funding requirement to deliver the major outputs? 22. Does the concept note present the legality of the agency entering into a PPP arrangement with the private sector? 23. Does the concept note state resources that the agency may provide to the Transaction Advisors once engaged? 1st Writtren Assessment - Checklist a HOW TO WRITE A PROJECT CONCEPT Before writing a full proposal, implementers should submit a completed concept proposal. The template is available on Guidance on what we look for in the key sections of the concept proposal: Project title: A clear and concise title. Purpose: This should be one clear and succinct sentence describing the anticipated change. What is the immediate outcome or direct benefit the project will achieve? This is the fundamental reason you are doing the project. It should not contain project details which can be described elsewhere on the form. The purpose should be achieved at the end of the project or within the first few months after the project is completed. Implementing agency: Provide full contact details and the name of the agency‟s lead officer for the project. Please indicate both contract holder and co- implementing organisation(s). Cost: Provide total cost to FCO and co-funders in each F/Y (financial year, runs from 1st April to 31 March next year). Cost to FCO: Total cost that the project requests from the FCO and is the