Health Problems in Urban Communities AFL/SOC 161 Homework Assignment (15%) Due Date: 3/29/19; submit one hard copy at the beginning of class (No exception) Identification of Community Health Problem...

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Identification of Community Health Problem

Health Problems in Urban Communities AFL/SOC 161 Homework Assignment (15%) Due Date: 3/29/19; submit one hard copy at the beginning of class (No exception) Identification of Community Health Problem This homework assignment is your semester long assignment. As such, you will need to apply critical thinking, as well as draw upon the concepts presented throughout this course, and personal experiences. During this course we will define urban health and discuss the characteristics of an urban community. We will also discuss how the determinants of health and health disparities impact health outcomes, and learn about community based approaches that can be applied to develop programs to address health problems. Briefly (5 typed pages; font size 12; 1 1/2 space; use appropriate references (excludes 5 pages writing requirement), answer the following questions in a logical essay format. Imagine that you are a Project Manager at a Community Based Organization working to improve urban health in your chosen community. 1. Select and describe an urban community in NYC. 2. Provide some background information about this community, including why the community that you have chosen is considered urban. 3. Explain why you have chosen this community for your assignment. 4. Identify and describe a health issue that exists in your chosen community. In your narrative describe the health issue, explain why the selected health issue is a significant health problem and worth addressing (provide statistics that support your statements). 5. Explain who is most affected by the health issue that you have selected in your selected community. Also, indicate which groups (i.e. adults, children, the elderly, etc…) of individuals you will focus on and explain why you have selected this population (provide statistics that support your statements). 6. Lastly, describe your idea of a program that would help address the identified community problem (you can be creative with your programmatic idea). Note: Cite references appropriately in the body of your essay and in the reference section.
Answered Same DayMar 26, 2021

Answer To: Health Problems in Urban Communities AFL/SOC 161 Homework Assignment (15%) Due Date: 3/29/19; submit...

Soumi answered on Mar 28 2021
164 Votes
Last Name:    7
Title: Health Problems in Urban Communities— Identification of Community Health Problem
AFL/SOC 161— Homework Assignment
Introduction    3
1. Chosen Urban Community in New York City    3
2. Background Information about this Community and why
it is Urban    3
3. Reason for Choosing this Community    4
4. A Health Issue in this Community and Need to address it    4
5. Most Affected Groups by this Health Issue    5
6. Program to address the Identified Community Problem    6
Conclusion    6
Works Cited    7
A high population density that is high population over a concise area is an urban community. Compared to rural community, urban areas have high infrastructural development and high population density. Places that satisfy the requirement of a minimum population of 5000 can be categorized as urban area.
1. Chosen Urban Community in New York City
Urban community defines two different conditions, out of which one is physical while the other is social but the major condition remains same that is high-density population. Besides an urban community also has good employment percentage and has luxurious desires of an individual. All of these conditions has been satisfied by Kingston city, New York. New York is a metropolitan area and is the most densely populated city of United States. Dynamic residential areas have given rise to variable population densities within New York and Kingston becomes one of urban community of them.
2. Background Information about this Community and why it is Urban
Kingston was been setup by the Dutch in 1614 and it became the first capital of New York in 1777. Earlier it was occupied, by British troops and it was incorporated as a village in 1805. According to the data provided by 2010 census, Kingston is home to 23,887 and the population density was 3,189.5 persons per square mile. Out of overall population of the city, 23.9% were found to be under the age of 18 and 8.1% were from the age group 18 to 24. Only 15% of overall population was found to be below poverty line and therefore presents a good economic condition.
This city has 17% of African Americans as its residence. Racism has always been associated with blacks and this is no exclusion. Healthcare amenities are directly impacted by the per capita income and a positive data has been recorded from Kingston but among black the number is very low. As mentioned by Liaropoulos and Goranitis, a good economy supports an overall good healthcare and it is positively applied within the Kingston city but community vise black becomes an exclusion due to low per capita income.
3. Reason for Choosing this Community
With the population density of around 3.1 thousand people per square mile, Kingston becomes a densely populated urban community. The city presents a dynamic racial makeup when compared too other urban areas of New York as it has major percentage 73% of whites and corresponding15% of African Americans,...

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