Part A
Question 1: Report
Your manager has done some reading and is sure that an adaptive systems development approach is necessary for the new information systems project to develop a project management system for Comfort Quilts Limited.
Your manager has asked you to write short report on one adaptive systems development methodology suitable for this project, choosing from methodologies such as Scrum, XP and UP. State what makes this methodology in particular align with this project. It is expected that you use the detail from the case study in your essay.
Your target audience is executive business people, who have extensive business experience but limited computing knowledge.
Your essay should be no less than one thousand (1000) words and it would be best to be no longer than one thousand five hundred (1500) words long.
Appropriate referencing is required. The textbook Satzinger et. al is a valid resource, however it is expected that at least five (5) other resources will also be used.
25 23 19 16 13 8 0
Outstanding: High Distinction: Distinction: Credit: Pass: Fail: Not Submitted:
An outstanding attempt – well formatted and professionally presented piece of work. An excellent piece of work that meets all the specified criteria with very minor omissions or mistakes More than competently meets the criteria specified with only minor mistakes or omissions. Competently meets the criteria as specified with few minor mistakes or omissions. Satisfactorily meets the criteria. Did not sufficiently meet the criteria to pass. No attempt made or different from what is acceptable
Part B
Modelling and Diagramming
Review the Comfort Quilts Limited case study and answer the following questions with reference to the information in the case study.
Do NOT extend the scope for any of the following solutions beyond that specifically described in the case study above.
You are permitted to make reasonable assumptions where necessary but these should be noted.
It is recommended that you review all documentation for this case study before finalising any single solution. Ensure that the required consistency has been included within and between each question solution.
Question 2: Event Table
Review the Comfort Quilts Limited case study and prepare an event table for the information system to support the business processes as described. Use at least the following headings for the Event Table:
Event Event Type Trigger Source Activity/Use Case System Response/
Output Destination
25 23 19 16 13 8 0
Outstanding: High Distinction: Distinction: Credit: Pass: Fail: Not Submitted:
An outstanding attempt – well formatted and professionally presented piece of work. An excellent piece of work that meets all the specified criteria with very minor omissions or mistakes More than competently meets the criteria specified with only minor mistakes or omissions. Competently meets the criteria as specified with few minor mistakes or omissions. Satisfactorily meets the criteria. Did not sufficiently meet the criteria to pass. No attempt made or different from what is acceptable
Question 3: Domain Model Class Diagram 20 Marks
Review the Comfort Quilts Limited case study to prepare a domain model class diagram for the supporting information system.
Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al textbook. Solutions are expected to show:
• The class name and attributes list for each class and sub class as required
• All required associations
• All attributes as specifically mentioned in the case study must be reflected
• Other attributes as needed to support the described functionality.
It is not necessary to show methods, however you may include them if you wish. Solutions are expected to align with the components as shown in figure 4-21.
20 18 15 13 10 5 0
Outstanding: High Distinction: Distinction: Credit: Pass: Fail: Not Submitted:
An outstanding attempt – well formatted and professionally presented piece of work. An excellent piece of work that meets all the specified criteria with very minor omissions or mistakes More than competently meets the criteria specified with only minor mistakes or omissions. Competently meets the criteria as specified with few minor mistakes or omissions. Satisfactorily meets the criteria. Did not sufficiently meet the criteria to pass. No attempt made or different from what is acceptable
Question 4: Design Class Diagram 5 Marks
Prepare a Design class diagram for the Purchase and Shipper classes ONLY. These two classes should be part of the Domain model class diagram solution for the previous question.
Each of these design class diagrams are expected to have a complete attributes list and a comprehensive methods list which supports the specified functionality as described in the case study.
Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al textbook. Solutions are expected to align with the components for the ‘Design class diagram Student’ as shown on the right hand of figure 12.4.
10 9 8 7 5 3 0
Outstanding: High Distinction: Distinction: Credit: Pass: Fail: Not Submitted:
An outstanding attempt – well formatted and professionally presented piece of work. An excellent piece of work that meets all the specified criteria with very minor omissions or mistakes More than competently meets the criteria specified with only minor mistakes or omissions. Competently meets the criteria as specified with few minor mistakes or omissions. Satisfactorily meets the criteria. Did not sufficiently meet the criteria to pass. No attempt made or different from what is acceptable
Question 5: Use Case Diagram 10 Marks
Review the Comfort Quilts Limited case study and your event table solution from question 1 to prepare a Use Case diagram for the supporting information system.
Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al textbook. Solutions are expected to align with the components as shown in figures 3-12 and 3-15.
10 9 8 7 5 3 0
Outstanding: High Distinction: Distinction: Credit: Pass: Fail: Not Submitted:
An outstanding attempt – well formatted and professionally presented piece of work. An excellent piece of work that meets all the specified criteria with very minor omissions or mistakes More than competently meets the criteria specified with only minor mistakes or omissions. Competently meets the criteria as specified with few minor mistakes or omissions. Satisfactorily meets the criteria. Did not sufficiently meet the criteria to pass. No attempt made or different from what is acceptable
Question 6: Use Case Description (intermediate) 5 Marks
Prepare a Use Case intermediate description for the 'Create Supplier' use case, as documented in the event table solution and the use case diagram solution.
Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al textbook. Solutions are expected to align with the components as shown in figure 5-2.
10 9 8 7 5 3 0
Outstanding: High Distinction: Distinction: Credit: Pass: Fail: Not Submitted:
An outstanding attempt – well formatted and professionally presented piece of work. An excellent piece of work that meets all the specified criteria with very minor omissions or mistakes More than competently meets the criteria specified with only minor mistakes or omissions. Competently meets the criteria as specified with few minor mistakes or omissions. Satisfactorily meets the criteria. Did not sufficiently meet the criteria to pass. No attempt made or different from what is acceptable