Algorithms and Data Structures
Assessment 3: Recursion Case Study 2
Linked Lists- Case study 1
In this assessment, students will analyze a case and develop a solution by using recursive functions and finally write code.
Week 12
Part A: Maze exploration using recursive function (30%)
A Maze is given as N*N binary matrix of blocks where source block is the upper left
most block i.e., maze[0][0] and destination block is lower rightmost block i.e., maze[N 1][N-1]. A rat starts from the source and has to reach the destination. The rat can move infour directions: left, right, up or down.
In the maze matrix, 0 means the block is a dead end and 1 means the block can be
used in the path from source to destination. Backtracking is an algorithmic technique
for solving problems recursively by trying to build a solution incrementally in mazeexploration.
Suggested Approach:
Form a recursive function, which will follow a path
and check if the path reaches the destination or not. If the path does not
reach the destination then backtrack and try other paths.
1. Create a solution matrix, initially filled with 0’s.
2. Create a recursive function, which takes initial matrix, output matrix
and position of rat (i, j).
3. if the position is out of the matrix or the position is not valid then
4. Mark the position output[i][j] as 1 and check if the current position is
destination or not. If destination is reached print the output matrix
and return.
5. Recursively call for position (i+1, j) and (i, j+1).
6. Unmark position (i, j), i.e output[i][j] = 0.
Your task
is to implement the given algorithm in C++ with recursive functions. You
need to test the solution in a main function by creating a 2D array and print out themaze solution correspondingly if there is a path existing. Your main program should have an option that allows the program to find a solution using either 2 way movement or 4 way movement.
There are a few existing websites for reference on maze exploration using recursion
for you:
Part B: Huffman decoding using recursive functions (10%)
We have discussed Huffman encoding for data compression in lecture and tutorial,now we can implement the Huffman decoding for data extraction to recover theoriginal data.
To decode the encoded data, we require the Huffman tree. We iterate through the
binary encoded data. To find character corresponding to current bits, we use
following simple steps.
1. We start from root and do following until a leaf is found.
2. If current bit is 0, we move to left node of the tree.
3. If the bit is 1, we move to right node of the tree.
4. If during traversal, we encounter a leaf node, we print character of that
particular leaf node and then again continue the iteration of the encoded
data starting from step 1.
Your task
is to implement the Huffman decoding algorithm from the above steps in aC++ program with Huffman decoding function and a main function to decode acompressed string based on Huffman encoding and display the original string.
There are a few existing websites for reference on Huffman decoding algorithm for
Submission requirement: upload the Mazz.cpp and Huffman.cpp to moodle by 5pm,June 3, 2022.
Marking rubric
Marking criteria
Lecturer expectation
Declaration of 2Darray in Mazz.cppmain function
2D array containscorrect data memberswith data types
Backtracking of pathin a maze in 4- direction
implemented withrecursive functionscorrectly comments
Display the exploration path inMaze
Maze path correctlyimplemented withcomments
Decode thecompressed Huffmancode successfully intree structure inHuffman.cpp
Huffman decoding iscorrectly
implemented withcomments
Display the completedecoded stringcorrectly inHuffman.cpp mainfunction
Display is correctlyimplemented withcomments