ICT 101 Discrete Mathematics for IT Assessment # 5 - Group Assignment Trimester 2, 2020 Overview of Assignment This assignment is an extension of individual assignment 1. Students will work in groups...

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ICT 101 Discrete Mathematics for IT Assessment # 5 - Group Assignment Trimester 2, 2020 Overview of Assignment This assignment is an extension of individual assignment 1. Students will work in groups of 2-3 to investigate further on the application identified in the previous assignment. When students in a group analysis the application of each member in the group, they choose one application which can be implemented as a computer programme. They will have to analyse, design and construct a flow-chart and investigate further to write it as an algorithm. They also have to use some inputs to check the reliability of the algorithm. Students also have to do a thorough analysis of algorithm to identify any problem and give a suggestion to rectify it. Task Description: Written Report Student group will be exploring and analysis the applications which are identified by each group member and they have to recognise an application that can be programmed in to computer. Each group have to sketch a plane to draw a flow-chart and algorithm. Use some inputs to test the algorithm (Give different trace table for each input) and identify any problem in the algorithm. Suggest a plane to rectify or explain why it can be rectified. Each group has to write one report on its findings. Based on your assignment 1 report, tutor of the class will form the group so that students will not work in their own choice of group. The written report must have the following sections: 1. Introduction 2. Description of why students choose this application and why students omit other application 3. Give a complete plane to implement the application in to a computer program with use of flow- chart 4. Write an appropriate algorithm 5. Use at least two inputs to test the algorithm. Group need to give a trace table for each input. 6. Conclusion 7. Short statement about contributions/Reflections from each group member 8. References ICT101 – Group Assignment 2 brief 1 | P a g e Submission Requirement Deadline to submit written report: Week 11 Sunday (27th Sep 2020), 11.59pm via Moodle. The report must be: 1. Word or pdf document (5 to 10 pages long) 2. Size: A4 3. Use Assignment Cover Page (download from Moodle) with your details and signature 4. Single space 5. Font: Calibri, 11pt Deduction, Late Submission and Extension Late submission penalty: - 5% of the total available marks per calendar day unless an extension is approved. For extension application procedure, please refer to Section 3.3 of the Subject Outline. Plagiarism Please read Section 3.4 Plagiarism and Referencing, from the Subject Outline. Below is part of the statement: “Students plagiarising run the risk of severe penalties ranging from a reduction through to 0 marks for a first offence for a single assessment task, to exclusion from KOI in the most serious repeat cases. Exclusion has serious visa implications.” “Authorship is also an issue under Plagiarism – KOI expects students to submit their own original work in both assessment and exams, or the original work of their group in the case of a group project. All students agree to a statement of authorship when submitting assessments online via Moodle, stating that the work submitted is their own original work. The following are examples of academic misconduct and can attract severe penalties: · Handing in work created by someone else (without acknowledgement), whether copied from another student, written by someone else, or from any published or electronic source, is fraud, and falls under the general Plagiarism guidelines. · Students who willingly allow another student to copy their work in any assessment may be considered to assisting in copying/cheating, and similar penalties may be applied. ” Marking Ruberic Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction 0-49% 50-64% 65-74% 75-84% 85-100% Understanding of the Information technology application(s) 2 marks Inaccurate description of all applications of information Technology in the group Basic description of all applications of information Technology in the group Accurate description of all applications of information Technology in the group Accurate description of all applications of information Technology in the group and some connections with relevant topics Polished description of all applications of information Technology in the group and references to relevant theories Detail description of the choice of the application 2 marks Little or no evidence is given for the choice and omit. Basic evidence is given for the choice and omit. Accurate evidence is given for the choice and omit. Accurate evidence is given for the choice and omit with relevant analysis Accurate evidence is given for the choice and omit with relevant analysis and complete detail Design a plane for computer implementation 2 marks Plane is not designed in a proper manner Plane is designed in a proper manner and no flow- chart is given Plane is designed in a proper manner and flow-chart is also given Accurate and comprehensive plane is given with a correct flow-chart Appropriate plane with correct flow- chart and complete detail is given. Writing an algorithm 2 marks Inaccurate algorithm or algorithm is given in an inappropriate manner Correct algorithm but written in an inappropriate manner Correct algorithm which is written in an appropriate manner Correct algorithm which is written in an inappropriate manner with little discussion Correct algorithm which is written in an inappropriate manner with complete discussion Conclusions 1 mark Little or no evidence of accuracy of the algorithm Basic evidence of accuracy of the algorithm Accurate evidence of accuracy of the algorithm Good analysis and justification of accuracy of the algorithm Complete analysis and justification of accuracy of the algorithm Documentation 1 mark Poorly organised report with unclear structure Well organised report but with some errors Clearly organised report with few errors Clearly organised report and good use of tables and graphs Polished report and creative use of tables and graphs KING’S OWN INSTITUTE* Success in Higher Education INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT COVERSHEET Student Names: Subject Name: ICT101 (Discrete Mathematics For IT) Assignment Title: Transportation Problems Report Declaration (This declaration must be completed by the student or the assignment will not be marked.) I certify the following: · I have read and understood the Student Academic Misconduct Policy. · This assignment is my own work, based on my personal study and/or research. · I have acknowledged all material and sources used in the preparation of this assignment, including any material generated in the course of my employment. · The assignment has not previously been submitted for assessment. · I have not copied (in part or in whole) or otherwise plagiarised the work of other students. · I have read and I understood the criteria used for this assignment. · The assignment is within the word and page limits specified in the subject outline. · The use of any material in this assignment does not infringe upon the intellectual property /copyright of a third party. · I understand that this assignment may undergo electronic detection for plagiarism and an anonymous copy of the assignment may be retained on the database and used to make comparisons with other assignments in the future. · By completing this coversheet in full and submitting this assignment electronically, I am bound by the conditions of the KOI’s Student Academic Misconduct Policy and the declaration on this coversheet. e-Signature: 1. Asmita Basnet Date: 28/09/2020 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT COVERSHEETAUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT PTY LTD CRICOS: 03171A ABN:72 132 629 979 TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS INTRODUCTION: A distribution business enterprise has the most important depot and a set of regional depots unfold around the country and each and every week it has to remedy an inter-depot transportation hassle to fill the orders that each regional depot sends to the fundamental depot for the days of the subsequent week. The business enterprise has to decide first how to put the merchandise into pallets and then how to distribute the pallets amongst vehicles in order to deliver the proper merchandise to the proper region at the proper time whilst minimizing the number of vehicles used. In this paper, we will take the traits and the facts of a massive distribution organization as a reference, however, the problem is common to many other logistics agencies around the world. The corporations require an answer procedure that produces high-quality options in short computing times, to be able to react to last-minute changes. Good solutions, minimizing the wide variety of trucks, will result in savings in the transportation costs for the groups as properly as in greenhouse gasoline emissions. The loading trouble confronted by way of the corporation consists of two interrelated phases. In the pallet constructing phase, all the merchandise has to be put on pallets. In the truck loading phase, all the pallets have to be placed into trucks. The means of transport, in this case, trucks, introduce some constraints which have to be respected for security reasons. There is a maximum weight of the load that can't be exceeded. There are also limits on the most weight every axle can support. Moreover, the load has to be properly dispensed in the truck to forestall actions throughout the journey. This skill that the centre of gravity of the load usually has to be positioned between the axles and as near as feasible to the geometric centre of the truck. In order to produce quickly and splendid solutions, we have developed a GRASP algorithm, composed of a positive algorithm, designed to satisfy all the safety and logistic constraints of the problem. PROBLEM DEFINITION The loading trouble consists of two interrelated phases: (i) Pallet Building Phase. two (ii)Truck Loading Phase. 1. Pallet Building In this phase, we have to place the layers on pallets. A pallet has a base, made of wood, metal, or plastic, with dimensions and weight, and it can be turned around horizontally. A pallet provides a loading house above its base. Typically, the area in horizontal directions is limited by the horizontal dimensions of the pallet, though some overhang in each instruction can be allowed. In the vertical direction, the peak of the loaded pallet is confined to half the top of the truck, so that two pallets can be positioned one on the pinnacle of the other. A pallet is consequently composed of a flat base and a set of layers placed one on top of the other. Two kinds of pallets can be built, inventory pallets, where all the layers are of the same product, and case pallets, formed by using layers of one-of-a-kind products. The employer wishes to make as many stock pallets as possible. Only when no longer all the layers of a product fit onto stock pallets are the remaining layers used to form case pallets. The third kind of pallet, the rest pallet, appears when the demand for some product, is not a multiple of and there are some last gadgets now not covered in any layer. All these final items are put together on one or greater relaxation pallets. 2. Truck Loading Once the pallets are prepared, they have to be placed in the trucks. We have a set of trucks, all of the identical type,
Answered Same DaySep 30, 2021ICT 101

Answer To: ICT 101 Discrete Mathematics for IT Assessment # 5 - Group Assignment Trimester 2, 2020 Overview of...

Kushal answered on Oct 01 2021
144 Votes
1. Introduction
A function can be simply defined as a relationship between two variables one dependent and the other independent. The function has a several functions in real lif
e. One of the major applications of one of the type of functions that is one-to-one function is in face recognition. Face recognition can be simple defined as matching one image (of face) to one name.
A facial recognition framework is an innovation fit for recognizing or checking an individual from an advanced picture or a video outline from a video source. There are various strategies in which facial recognition frameworks work, yet as a rule, they work by contrasting chosen facial highlights from a given picture with faces inside an information base. It is likewise portrayed as a Biometric Artificial Intelligence based application that can exceptionally recognize an individual by dissecting designs dependent on the individual's facial surfaces and shape.
The face recognition is being used everywhere these days may it be our cell phones or in proctored examinations. The face recognition is of immense importance and its new daily life applications are introduced every day. The face recognition involves several new technologies such as machine learning, neural network, artificial neural network, convolution neural network etc.
1. Reason to choose this topic
The aim of our assignment was to focus on some very important real life application of the concepts we studied in class. Given the current pandemic situations we thought to choose some application of computer science which has made it possible for this world to continue functioning. (mathchat, 2019)
    After considering several topics which were related to application of functions in daily life we came to a conclusion that face...

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