I’ve omitted itself , which is the same across all dialects, and doesn’t shed any light on the question. Also, the form myself is generally pronounced more like me self in this northern dialect, but I...

I’ve omitted
itself, which is the same across all dialects, and doesn’t shed any light on the question. Also, the form
is generally pronounced more like
me self
in this northern dialect, but I take this to be a phonetic reduction which is not relevant to the question. The northern dialect has one more reflexive pronoun than standard English. What is it, and what do you think it’s used for? (If you’re not a native speaker of this dialect, you may find it helpful to look back at Section 1.1.) Some English speakers have a singular form
themself: comment on how this fi ts into the set of forms in standard English, and say how it is used (if you’re not a speaker who has this form, see if you can imagine how it’s used). Finally, do you think that ‘more logical’ equals ‘better’, as far as languages are concerned?

May 19, 2022

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