i will need to write the code for a text based game in python.
IT 140 Design Document Template IT 140 Design Kyiesha Butler Storyboard (Description and Map) You are a wizard that’s been invited to a wizard’s symposium. Every wizard and sorcerer in the realm has already arrived at the convention center. You’ve decided to showcase your new spell which transports people to a given point in time. Since you’ve arrived early, you decide to prep for your 15 minutes of fame only to find you’ve left your supplies at home. There isn’t enough time to go home and come back so you decide to find the items here in the convention center. The only problem is that the head wizard will deduct points if she finds out that you’ve arrived unprepared. You must avoid her at all costs while collecting your items. East North West South South North North South Lobby: Clock Kitchen: Black pepper HEAD WIZARD: Villain Banquet Room A: Chair Guest Room: Bedsheet Banquet Room B: speakers Front Desk: Invisible ink pen Courtyard: Leaves South North East South North East West West East West West West East Collect all 8 magical items needed for your spell to win the game before you get vaporized by the Head Wizard. Pseudocode or Flowchart for Code to “Get an Item” Wizard Text Adventure Game Collect 6 items to win the game, or be eaten by the dragon. Move commands: go South, go North, go East, go West Add to Inventory: get 'item name' You are in the Lobby Inventory : [] --------------------------- Enter your move: go North You are in Banquet Room A Inventory : [] You see a chair --------------------------- Enter your move: get chair chair retrieved! You are in Banquet Room A Inventory : ['chair'] --------------------------- Enter your move: Go North There are no rooms in that direction! You are in Banquet Room A Inventory : ['chair'] --------------------------- Enter your move: go South You are in the Lobby Inventory : ['chair''] You see a clock ------------------------ Enter your move: get clock Clock retrieved Add to Inventory: get ‘clock’ You are in the Lobby Inventory: [‘chair’, ‘clock’] --------------------------- Enter your move: go West You are in the Kitchen Inventory: [‘chair’, ‘clock’] You see black pepper Add to Inventory: get 'black pepper’ --------------------------- Enter your move: Get black pepper Black pepper retrieved! You are in the kitchen Inventory: [‘chair’, ‘clock’, ‘black pepper’] --------------------------- Enter your move: Go East You are in the Lobby Inventory : [‘chair’, ‘clock’, ‘black pepper’] --------------------------- Enter your move: go North You are in Banquet Room A Inventory : [‘chair’, ‘clock’, ‘black pepper’] --------------------------- Enter your move: go East You are in the Courtyard Inventory : [‘chair’, ‘clock’, ‘black pepper’] You see leaves Add to Inventory: get ‘leaves’ -------------------------- Enter your move: Get leaves leaves retrieved! You are in the courtyard Inventory: [‘chair’, ‘clock’, ‘black pepper’, ‘leaves’] ----------------------------- Enter your move: go South You are in Banquet Room B Inventory: [‘chair’, ‘clock’, ‘black pepper’, ‘leaves’] You see speakers ---------------------------- Enter your move: Get speakers speakers retrieved! You are in Banquet Room B Inventory: [‘chair’, ‘clock’, ‘black pepper’, ‘leaves’, ‘speakers’] ---------------------------- Enter your move: go South You are at the Front Desk Inventory: [‘chair’, ‘clock’, ‘black pepper’, ‘leaves’, ‘speakers’] You see an invisible ink pen ---------------------------- Enter your move: Get invisible ink pen invisible ink pen retrieved! You are at the Front Desk Inventory: [‘chair’, ‘clock’, ‘black pepper’, ‘leaves’, ‘speakers’, ‘invisible ink pen’] ---------------------------- Enter your move: go South You are in Guest room Inventory: [‘chair’, ‘clock’, ‘black pepper’, ‘leaves’, ‘speakers’, ‘invisible ink pen’] You see a bedsheet ---------------------------- Enter your move: Get bedsheet bedsheet retrieved! You are in Guest Room Inventory: [‘chair’, ‘clock’, ‘black pepper’, ‘leaves’, ‘speakers’, ‘invisible ink pen’, ‘bedsheet’] ---------------------------- Congrats you have collected all the items!! Thanks for playing the game. Hope you enjoyed it. 1