i will forward you the following things.1. unit outline2. 3 examples of opinion editorials3. unit rubricksin the unit outline you need to do the assignment twoWhich is an opinion editorial? 700...

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i will forward you the following things.1. unit outline2. 3 examples of opinion editorials3. unit rubricksin the unit outline you need to do the assignment twoWhich is an opinion editorial? 700 words.There are a few topics and need to choose one of the topic only.I have chosen the topic ofaddiction and access to government-funded treatmentdo the opinion to editorial related to the chosen topic and check the rubricks and examples befor do the assignment.now i am attacking the relevant files.

UNCC300 Assessment 2 rubric HD 85-100 Di 75-84 Cr 65-74 P 50- 64 F 0- 49 1 Defines and clarifies the principle of the common good in relation to the chosen issue (the student must choose one issue from the list provided in the Unit Outline to achieve a pass, or better, on the assessment). 6 marks Provides an entirely clear, accurate and coherent definition and clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the chosen issue (from the list in the Unit Outline) Provides a very clear, accurate and coherent definition and clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the chosen issue (from the list in the Unit Outline) Provides a clear, accurate and coherent definition and clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the chosen issue (from the list in the Unit Outline) Provides a basic but largely clear, accurate, coherent definition and clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the chosen issue (from the list in the Unit Outline) Fails to defines and clarify the principle of the common good in relation to the chosen issue (from the list in the Unit Outline) clearly, accurately and coherently. 2 Critically analyses the challenges with realizing aspirations of the common good in relation to the issue chosen (from the list in the Unit Outline) and in the context of the student’s professional community 12 marks Provides a critical analysis of the challenges with realizing aspirations of the common good, in relation to the issue chosen from the list in the Unit Outline, and in the context of the student’s professional community, in an entirely clear, accurate and coherent way. Depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Provides a very clear, accurate and coherent critical analysis of the challenges with realizing aspirations of the common good, in relation to the issue chosen from the list in the Unit Outline, and in the context of the student’s professional community Depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Provides a clear, accurate and coherent critical analysis of the challenges with realizing aspirations of the common good, in relation to the issue chosen from the list in the Unit Outline, and in the context of the student’s professional community. Some depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Provides a basic but largely clear, accurate, coherent critical analysis of the challenges with realizing aspirations of the common good, in relation to the issue chosen, from the list in the Unit Outline and in the context of the student’s professional community. Some evidence of engagement with unit materials evident. Fails to critically analyze the challenges with realizing aspirations of the common good in relation to the issue chosen from the list in the Unit Outline, and in the context of the student’s professional community, clearly accurately and coherently 3 Discusses local and especially, global contexts 6 marks Provides an entirely clear, accurate and coherent discussion of local, and especially, global contexts. Provides a very clear, accurate and coherent discussion of local, and especially, global contexts Provides a clear, accurate and coherent discussion of local, and especially, global contexts Provides a basic but largely clear, accurate, coherent discussion of local, and especially, global contexts Fails to discuss local and especially, global contexts HD DI CR PA NN 4 Style and Writing Mechanics 3 marks 0-1.4 = F 1.5-1.9 = P 2.0-2.2= C 2.3-2.5 = D 2.6-3.0 = HD Presents information in a very clear and highly engaging style. No errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in a very clear, engaging style. Few or no errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in a clear, engaging style. Few errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in a largely clear style. Some errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in an unsatisfactory style or in an unclear way. Many errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. 6 Referencing 3 marks 0-1.4 = F 1.5-1.9 = P 2.0-2.2= C 2.3-2.5 = D 2.6-3.0 = HD Excellent referencing: all sources cited accurately and correctly. Provides accurate and full information about all sources used. Very good referencing throughout; sources cited accurately and correctly. Provides accurate and full information about sources used. Good referencing; sources cited accurately throughout. Provides accurate and sufficient information about sources used. Satisfactory referencing, in general; sources cited accurately, in general. Provides sufficient information about sources used. No referencing or numerous sources not cited accurately. Does not provide sufficient information about sources used. Page 4 of 4 Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Lakmini Sudarshani Wijekoon Student number: S00208340 UNCC300 Semester 2, 2019 Assessment 2: Word count: 700 addiction and access to government funded treatment There is a trial for medically supervised safe injection room in North Richmond community Health which is coordinating by the Department of Health and community Services. Due to high amount of deaths related to drug over dose these medically supervised injecting rooms ( MSIR ) are safely medically approached. These places improve neighborhood enrichment for the local community. It facilitates less incidents in the community by public injecting, reduces the discarding needles in public area. The accesses to the MSIR is allowed for the people over age 18 years older. The security around the process is designed by monitoring the site with CCTV cameras, working closely to Department of Health and Human resource Service and the police. There is a security inside and outside the stations. They do not allow the people to use illegal drugs. Defines and clarifies the principle of the common good in relation to the chosen issue (the student must choose one issue from the list provided in the Unit Outline to achieve a pass, or better, on the assessment) Provides an entirely clear, accurate and coherent definition and clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the chosen issue (from the list in the Unit Outline) 2 Critically analyses the challenges with realizing aspirations of the common good in relation to the issue chosen (from the list in the Unit Outline) and in the context of the student’s professional community Provides a critical analysis of the challenges with realizing aspirations of the common good, in relation to the issue chosen from the list in the Unit Outline, and in the context of the student’s professional community, in an entirely clear, accurate and coherent way. Depth of engagement with unit materials evident Discusses local and especially, global contexts Provides an entirely clear, accurate and coherent discussion of local, and especially, global contexts. · Create an evocative and engaging Op-Ed that explains a challenge associated with realising aspirations of the common good in your professional community, locally and globally. · The Op-Ed should clearly explain to readers what the issue chosen from the list is, and how your understanding of the knowledge you have acquired in the unit addresses the issue or problem and relates to the discipline area you are studying in. · Please note that you do not have to come up with the ‘definitive solution’ for the Op Ed, this may form part of Assessment 3. Your tutor is looking for a well-argued view in order to move forward on the issue or problem. · The Op-Ed is to be no more than 700 words long. · The idea is to express your thoughts clearly and concisely and make your argument as directly as you can – just like a journalist or writer. The challenge is to present a persuasive argument in a concise manner. · Although Op-Eds do not usually require referencing, for this academic work, full referencing is required. References do not count in the word limit. See referencing guidelines on the UNCC300 LEO page (You can find it under Assessment > How do I reference course materials for UNCC units). Working towards the common good (that is, the good of all) is the responsibility of each citizen as well as all the institutions that are created to order a society. [The common good] implies that every individual, no matter how high or low, has a duty to share in promoting the welfare of the community as well as a right to benefit from that welfare. Common implies ‘all inclusive’: the common good cannot exclude or exempt any section of the population. If any section of the population is in fact excluded from participation in the life of the community, even at a minimal level, then that is a contradiction to the concept of the common good and calls for rectification.1 So, for example, if people are excluded by poverty from participation in society and full flourishing as human beings, then governments have a duty to act to alleviate that poverty so the common good can be met. More than this, each individual person and organisation or corporation also has a duty to act to alleviate that poverty. THE IDEA OF THE COMMON GOOD HAS SEVERAL DIMENSIONS 1. It means that the needs of all people are met - not just a few, not just the wealthy or the powerful or the educated or the healthy - but all. 2. It includes the flourishing and fulfilment of all people in all the different dimensions of their humanity (for example, intellectual, physical, relational, spiritual, affective, and so on). 3. It refers to what is good that can only come about by being shared, "in common." When we speak about seeking the common good, then,

Answered Same DaySep 15, 2021UNCC 300

Answer To: i will forward you the following things.1. unit outline2. 3 examples of opinion editorials3. unit...

Aparna Rajak answered on Sep 16 2021
151 Votes
Addiction and access to government funded treatment
According to World Health Organization (WHO), it was reported that almost 11 million people inject drugs, out of which 1.3 million are HIV posit
ive, 5.5 million people are living with hepatitis C, and 1 million people are living with both HIV and hepatitis C. The numbers are growing speedily due to the aggravated use of injecting illicit drugs in public places. According to WHO it is estimated that around 275 million people use illicit drugs such as amphetamines, cannabis, cocaine and opioids i.e the prevalanece rate of using illicit drug in around 5.6 % in 2016. Some 31 million of individuals who use drug suffer from some kind of drug disorder.
Now, if we specifically talk about Australia, it was found that unintentional drug overdose deaths were about 1,612 in 2017( i.e. one death every 5.4 hours).Another survey reported that increased use of opioids has been observed in Australia (Blanch, B., Pearson, S.A., Haber & P.S. 2014) and throughout the world. Again, in 2016 over 170 deaths occurred due to heroin overdoses and the prominent amount was from the streets of Richmond and Abbotsford. (Dr dunn & Miller, 2016). Therefore, an ongoing trial for Medically Supervised Injecting Room (MSIR) has been opened on 30th June 2018 as a two year trial in North Richmond Community Health. The step has been taken by the government for the “common good”. But, it has also been argued sturdily that, the decision taken by the government can encourage the usage of drugs, may challenge the federal laws on drug abuse and can bring crime to surrounding communities therefore, cannot be considered that MSIRs can be beneficial for “common good”. The term common good plays a very central role in health care field. Therefore, we need to have a deep understanding about the concept of common good due to the current problems existing in the society regarding healthcare which has been originated almost over 2000 years ago in the literatures of Plato, Cicero and...

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