I . Which one of the following does Fig. 51 nol illustrate? (l) A four-terminal network Y(2) A two-port network (3) A bilateral network (a) An active network (5) A linear network (6) A...

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I . Which one of the following does Fig. 51 nol illustrate? (l) A four-terminal network Y(2) A two-port network (3) A bilateral network (a) An active network (5) A linear network (6) A controlled-source ntwork (7) An h-parameter network
2. In Fig. 52, what (r) r0 /Q" v (2) s /0o v (3\ 7 .9 t18.4' (7) is the equivalent V Cannot be voltage source for Zy, E2r'! (4) - 6.t9 /29.7o_V (5) -8.62 /t3.2'V (6) -7.9t /t8.4'V calculated from given data.
3. In Fig. 52, an increase in Rr will affect input impedance &Dd zrr as follows: (l) Will not change either one. (2) Will decrease both. (3) -Will increase both. (4) Will increase and not change Zr. (5) Will increase Zi and not change z1s. (6) Will increase Zi and decrease 211. (7) Cannot be determined. 4. The /rr par4meter for Fig. 53 is (l) 0.5 mho. (3) 0.167 mho. (2) 0.214 mho. * (4) 0.269 mho. (7) Not known*it .grg be calculated Rr_=5 nFis. 53 5. In a two-port lineanaasbive network,' such as Fig. 53, the open-circuit reverse transfer impedance and open-circuit forward transfer impedance are: 6b (l) zero and equal. (2) equal and less than unity. (3) unequal and less than unity. (4) unequal and greater than unity. (5) equal and greater than unity. (6) unequal with one greater than unity and one less than unity. (7) equal. (5) 2 mhos. (6) 6 mhos. from the given data.

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I I 59 I t I t I . Which one of the following does Fig. 51 nol illustrate? (l) A four-terminal network Y(2) A two-port network (3) A bilateral network (a) An active network (5) A linear network (6) A controlled-source network (7) An h-parameter network Fig. 5l 2. In Fig. what 52, is the equivalent voltage source for Zy, E2r'! - (r) r0 v (4) 6.t9 /29.7o_V /Q" -8.62 (2) v (5) s /t3.2'V /0o -7.9t (3\ (6) 7 .9 t18.4' /t8.4'V V (7) given Cannot becalculated from data. r, r2 _ + Er=to/g3. In Fig. 52, an 60 increase in Rr will affect input impedance &Dd zrr as follows: (l) Will not change either one. (2) Will decrease both. -Will (3) increase both. (4) Will increase zrr xnd not change Zr. (5) Will increase Zi and not change z1s. (6) Will increase Zi and decrease 211. (7) Cannot be determirred. 4. The par4meter for Fig. 53 is /rr (l) 0.5 mho. (3) 0.167 mho. (5) 2 mhos. (2) 0.214 mho. (4) 0.269 mho. (6) * 6 mhos. (7) Not known*it .grg be calculated from given the data. Rr_=5 n- Fis. 53 5. In a two-port lineanaasbive network,'such as Fig. 53, the open-circuit reverse transfer impedance and open-circuit forward transfer impedance are: (l) zero and equal. 6b (2) equal and less than unity. (3) unequai and less than unity. (4) unequal and greater than unity. (5) equal and greater than unity. (6) unequal with one greater than unity and one less than unity. (7) equal.6l : 6. An equivalent T network(similar to Fig. 53) for lzl 1]" ['3 "' follows: zl z2 z3 (1) 100 AO 30 (2) 4Q 30 i00 (3) 30 7A 30 (4)-13 O i Q 30 (s) 100 0 60 -iFrol 7e ?o 10 (7) none of the above. Wh 7. ich of the following is the I matrix for Fig. 54? (l) (5)[r el [o:l l.- LloJ Lo.l::zj (2) (6)[0.167-Osl el 12 4sJ Lo:llzJ Lo.s (3) 0.222-o.llrl (7) | [o.5o.inl o.22zJ c.5 L-o.rrr Ll J d (4) 4.5 0.5 [ I - 0.5 0.167 L J Il ______.- Fig. 54 8. with Given two cascaded networks ,r f L1 f 1 r1-1 r?-, tL...

Answered Same DayDec 24, 2021

Answer To: I . Which one of the following does Fig. 51 nol illustrate? (l) A four-terminal network Y(2) A...

David answered on Dec 24 2021
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