I. What method in GalacticWar.jaVlll makes il possible 10 add powerups to the game when a liny asteroid i$ dGtroyed~ 2. What construct does lhe sprile engine (in Game.java) use 10 manage the sprites~...

I. What method in GalacticWar.jaVlll makes il possible 10 add powerups to the game when a liny asteroid i$ dGtroyed~

2. What construct does lhe sprile engine (in Game.java) use 10 manage the sprites~

3. How many weapon upgrades are available now in Gabetie War?

4. How many differenl point-value powerups are Ihere in Ihe game?

5. What method in GaJaetkWar.java returns a slock bullel sprile ob;«t, which IS Ihen tweoaked to produce lhe upgraded bullet spreads!

May 19, 2022

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