I. What is the name of the suppo" class created in this chapler to hdp the Sprl te elass manage position "nd ~Iocity? 2. During which keyboard event should you disable a key-press var iable when...

I. What is the name of the suppo" class created in this chapler to hdp the Sprl te elass manage position "nd ~Iocity?

2. During which keyboard event should you disable a key-press var iable when detecting multiple key presses with global variables~

3. Which thrtt types of parametCTS a.n you pass to Ihe collldesVltM J method~

4. Which Java class provides an alternate method for loading images that is not tied to the applct~

S. Which Ian package do you need to impo" 10 use the GTlpll1cs20 class?

May 19, 2022

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