I want you to look athttp://www.washingtonpost.comorhttps://www.nytimes.com/for an article which is about special education. You may only choose an article that is fromMay 15, 2020or later (up to today). You may have to look more than once. You can look in any section of the newspaper.
Find: an article which isabout special education(laws, issues, specific disabilities, medical news, etc.)
1. The date, section, and name of the article.
2. The URLfor the article. If the URLdoes not work, you will not earn any credit.
3. A summary of the article.
4. How it relates to special educationin general. (be specific).
Please note that if you use another source or an article from a different time period than listed above you will earn 0 points.
Remember that the time from is from May 1, 2020-today.
This assignment is worth 3 points. This assignment may only be completed one time since it is extra credit, so be sure to follow directions. It mustbe turned in by the due date forcredit and cannot be resubmitted.