I want you to look athttp://www.washingtonpost.comorhttps://www.nytimes.com/for an article which is about special education. You may only choose an article that is from May 15, 2020 or later (up to...

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I want you to look athttp://www.washingtonpost.comorhttps://www.nytimes.com/for an article which is about special education. You may only choose an article that is fromMay 15, 2020or later (up to today). You may have to look more than once. You can look in any section of the newspaper.

Find: an article which isabout special education(laws, issues, specific disabilities, medical news, etc.)


1. The date, section, and name of the article.

2. The URLfor the article. If the URLdoes not work, you will not earn any credit.

3. A summary of the article.

4. How it relates to special educationin general. (be specific).

Please note that if you use another source or an article from a different time period than listed above you will earn 0 points.

Remember that the time from is from May 1, 2020-today.

This assignment is worth 3 points. This assignment may only be completed one time since it is extra credit, so be sure to follow directions. It mustbe turned in by the due date forcredit and cannot be resubmitted.

Answered Same DayJul 31, 2021TED2300

Answer To: I want you to look athttp://www.washingtonpost.comorhttps://www.nytimes.com/for an article which is...

Sanjukta answered on Jul 31 2021
154 Votes
Name of the student-
Summary of the article
This particular article highlights how virtual education has proved to be a
disaster for an individual's son who is suffering from Down syndrome. However, the article also provides some useful recommendations in terms of how children with disabilities can continue with special education in this situation. When Coronavirus began to spread in the US almost all schools decided to close and the special needs students suffered the most. It has been observed that the students with special needs were stuck at home and they were unable to receive the special services that they used to get in school in terms of Individualized Education Programs. It can be said that individuals don't know how technology has the power of making education stronger but however everyone knows that there are a lot of opportunities (Strauss).
How this particular article is related to special education in general
This article about the difficulties faced by students with disabilities in terms of getting special education during this pandemic so it is completely related to special education in general. On the other hand, the educators are suggested to pay attention to the following three areas for making sure students with disabilities gets proper education such as: Facilitating social interaction among the students with special needs, using technology for supporting independence, for instance, employing creative will help them in their learning process also and introducing small-group instruction. Overall, the entire article is all about special education for students with...

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