I want you to go to:https://www.investing.com/equities/microsoft-corp-financial-summary and replace the Smart IT with Microsoft and of course replace the data with the Microsoft one in the excel that...

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I want you to go to:https://www.investing.com/equities/microsoft-corp-financial-summary

and replace the Smart IT with Microsoft and of course replace the data with the Microsoft one in the excel that I uploaded. Some informations are missing in investing.com so you can use google. But please make sure the data are correct for microsoft. Also make sure Total assets = Total Debt and equity
Answered Same DayMay 05, 2021

Answer To: I want you to go to:https://www.investing.com/equities/microsoft-corp-financial-summary and replace...

Siddharth answered on May 05 2021
147 Votes
Free Cash Flow
        Balance Sheet (amounts in millions)
        As of Dec. 31, 2018 and 2019
            2018    2019    Δ            2018    2019    Δ
        Cash    $133,650    $133,819    $169        Acc. Pay.    $8,617    $9,382    $765
        Acc. Rec.    26,481    29,524    3,043        Notes Pay.    0    0    0
        Inventory    2,662    2,063    (599)        Current Liab.    $58,488    $69,420    $765
        Current Assets    $162,793    $165,406    $2,613        Long-term Debt    $184,226    $176,130    ($8,096)
                            Total Debt    $242,714    $245,550    ($7,331)
        Net Fixed Assets    $258,848    $286,556    $27,708
                            Total Equity    $178,927    $206,412    $37,652
        Total Assets    $421,641    $451,962    $30,321        Total D&E    $4
21,641    $451,962    $30,321
        Income Statement (amounts in millions)                    Free Cash Flow Calculation:
        For the period ended Dec. 31, 2008 and 2009
            2018    2019    Δ        1. Operating Cash Flow for 2019
        Sales    $110,360    $125,843    $15,483
        COGS    38,353    42,910    4,557        2. Capital Spending for 2019
        Gross Profit    $72,007    $82,933    $10,926        $39,390
        Selling & Adm. Exp.    22,223    23,098    875
        EBITDA    $49,784    $59,835    $10,051        3. Change in Net Working Capital for 2019
        Depreciation Exp.    10,261    11,682    1,421        ($8,319)
        EBIT    $39,523    $48,153    $8,630
        Interest Expenses    2,400    2,400    0        4. Cash Flow from Assets for 2019
        EBT    $37,123    $45,753    $8,630        $13,208
        Taxes (34% of EBT)    12,622    15,556    2,934
        Net Income    $24,501    $30,197    $5,696        5. Cash Flow to Creditors for 2019
        Div. Payout ratio    78.0%    36.0%    -42.0%
                            6. Cash Flow to Stockholders for 2019
        Dividends     $19,111    $10,871    ($8,240)        ($7,455)
        Additions to RE    $5,390    $19,326    $13,936
                            7. Cash Flow to Creditors and Stockholders for 2019
        Operating Cash Flow        $44,279
Richard: Operating Cash Flow = EBIT + Depr - Taxes
        Capital Spending        39,390
Richard: Capital Spending = END(Net Fixed Assets) - BEG(Net Fixed Assets) + Depreciation exp.
        CH. NWC        (8,319)
Richard: Change in NWC = END(NWC) - BEG(NWC)
NWC = Net Working Capital = Current Assets - Current Liabilities
        Cash Flow From Assets        $13,208
Richard: Cash Flow from Assets should be equal to Cash Flow to Creditors and Cash Flow to Stockholders
        Cash Flow to Creditors        $10,496
Richard: CC = Interest paid - Net New Borrowing + Long-term Debt Redemption
        Cash Flow to Stockholders        (7,455)
Richard: CS = Dividends Paid - Net New Equity Raised + CS Buyback
        CC + CS        $3,041
Richard: Cash Flow to Creditors and Cash Flow to Stockholders should be equal to Cash Flow from Assets
Richard: Operating Cash Flow = EBIT + Depr - Taxes
Statement of Cash Flow
        Balance Sheet (amounts in millions)
        As of Dec. 31, 2018 and 2019
            2018    2019    Δ            2018    2019    Δ
        Cash    $133,650    $133,819    $169        Acc. Pay.    $8,617    $9,382    $765
        Acc. Rec.    26,481    29,524    3,043        Notes Pay.    0    0    0
        Inventory    2,662    2,063    (599)        Current Liab.    $58,488    $69,420    $765
        Current Assets    $162,793    $165,406    $2,613        Long-term Debt    $84,226    $176,130    $91,904
                            Total Debt    $142,714    $245,550    $92,669
        Net Fixed Assets    $258,848    $286,556    $27,708
                            Total Equity    $278,927    $206,412    ($62,348)
        Total Assets    $421,641    $451,962    $30,321        Total D&E    $421,641    $451,962    $30,321
        Income Statement (amounts in millions)                    Statement of Cash Flow Calculation:
        For the period ended Dec. 31, 2018 and 2019
            2018    2019    Δ        1. Cash Flow from Operating activities for 2019:
        Sales    $110,360    $125,843    $15,483        Net Income            $30,197
        COGS    38,353    42,910    4,557        Add: Depreciation            11,682
        Gross Profit    $72,007    $82,933    $10,926        Add: Decrease in Inventory            599
        Selling & Adm. Exp.    22,223    23,098    875        Add: Increase in A/P            765
        EBITDA    $49,784    $59,835    $10,051        Less: Increase in A/R            (3,043)
        Depreciation Exp.    10,261    11,682    1,421        Cash Flow from Operating activities            $40,200
        EBIT    $39,523    $48,153    $8,630
        Interest Expenses    2,400    2,400    0        2. Cash Flow from Investing activities for 2019:
        EBT    $37,123    $45,753    $8,630        Add: Decrease in NFA            ($27,708)    NET CAPITAL SPENDING = IN ΔNFA+DEPRECIATION
        Taxes (34% of EBT)    12,622    15,556    2,934        Less: Depreciation            (11,682)
        Net Income    $24,501    $30,197    $5,696        Cash Flow from Investing activities            ($39,390)
        Div. Payout ratio    78.0%    36.0%    -42.0%        3. Cash Flow from Financing activities for 2019:
        Retention rate    22.00%    64.00%            Less: Decrease in N/P            $0
        Dividends     $19,111    $10,871            Add: Increase in LTD            91,904
        Additions to RE    $5,390    $19,326            Less: decrease in CS (shares bought back)            (81,674)
                            Less: Dividends paid            (10,871)
                            Cash Flow from Financing activities            ($641)
                            Total Cash Flow Change            $169
                            beginning balance of cash            $133,650
                            Δ in cash             $169
                            Ending balance of cash            $133,819
Common-Sized FS
        Balance Sheet (amounts in millions)
        As of Dec. 31, 2018 and 2019
            2018    CS 2018    2019    CS 2019            2018    CS 2018    2019    CS 2019
        Cash    $133,650    31.7%    $133,819    29.6%        Acc. Pay.    $8,617    2.0%    $9,382    2.1%
        Acc. Rec.    26,481    6.3%    29,524    6.5%        Notes Pay.    0    0.0%    0    0.0%
        Inventory    2,662    0.6%    2,063    0.5%        Current Liab.    $58,488    13.9%    $69,420    15.4%
        Current Assets    $162,793    38.6%    $165,406    36.6%        Long-term Debt    $184,226    43.7%    $176,130    39.0%
                                Total Debt    $242,714    57.6%    $245,550    54.3%
        Net Fixed Assets    $258,848    61.4%    $286,556    63.4%
                                Total Equity    $178,927    42.4%    $206,412    45.7%
        Total Assets    $421,641    100.0%    $451,962    100.0%        Total D&E    $421,641    100.0%    $451,962    100.0%
        MICROSOFT CORPORATION                        Common Size
        Income Statement (amounts in millions)                        For the balance sheet , you divide each account by total assets
        For the period ended Dec. 31, 2018 and 2019                        for each year; for the income statement, each account is divided
                                by total sales.
            2018    CS 2018    2019    CS 2019        The common size analysis converts numbers into % in order to
                                compare more easily financial reports. It gives a figure about
        Sales    $110,360    100.0%    $125,843    100.0%        how total assets are allocated among...

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