i want to run this code Instead of letters, I want numbers, how? please help # multiples.s -- takes two numbers A and B, and prints out # all the multiples of A from A to A * B. # If B

i want to run this code

Instead of letters, I want numbers, how?

please help

#multiples.s -- takes two numbers A and B, and prints out

#all the multiples of A from A to A * B.

#If B <= 0,="" then="" no="" multiples="" are="">

#Registers used:

# $
t0 - used to hold A.

# $
t1 - used to hold B.

# $
t2 - used to store S, the sentinel value A * B.

# $t3 - used to store m, the current multiple of A.



li $v0, 5       # syscall 5 = read_int


move $t0, $v0     # A = integer just read

li $v0, 5      # syscall 5 = read_int


move $t1, $v0   # B = integer just read

blez $t1, exit        # if B <= 0,="">

mul $t2, $t0, $t1 # S = A * B.

move $t3, $t0     # m = A


move $a0, $t3   # print m.

li $v0,1             # syscall 1 = print_int

syscall              # make the system call.

beq $t2, $t3, endloop        # if m == S, we're done.

add $t3, $t3, $t0                # otherwise, m = m + A.

Jun 10, 2022

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