WEB322 – ASSIGNMENT #2 – WINTER 2023 DUE: FEBRUARY 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM ESTIntroduction This assignment is the second of six assignments. It has been designed to give you practical...

I want this project quote as my friend has a deadline so i want to know all the details about this project along with the price quate also i have some demand in order to complete this project

WEB322 – ASSIGNMENT #2 – WINTER 2023 DUE: FEBRUARY 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST Introduction This assignment is the second of six assignments. It has been designed to give you practical experience creating and working with JavaScript modules and creating Express Handlebars views. Before you begin this assignment, you must finish your previous assignment. All objectives listed for this assignment are to be made “on top” of your previous assignment. This assignment is worth 9% of your final grade. Note: Database connectivity is not required for this assignment and you do not need to implement the MVC design pattern. Reminder about academic integrity Most of the materials posted in this course are protected by copyright. It is a violation of Canada's Copyright Act and Seneca's Copyright Policy to share, post, and/or upload course material in part or in whole without the permission of the copyright owner. This includes posting materials to third-party file- sharing sites such as assignment-sharing or homework help sites. Course material includes teaching material, assignment questions, tests, and presentations created by faculty, other members of the Seneca community, or other copyright owners. It is also prohibited to reproduce or post to a third-party commercial website work that is either your own work or the work of someone else, including (but not limited to) assignments, tests, exams, group work projects, etc. This explicit or implied intent to help others may constitute a violation of Seneca’s Academic Integrity Policy and potentially involve such violations as cheating, plagiarism, contract cheating, etc. These prohibitions remain in effect both during a student’s enrollment at the college as well as withdrawal or graduation from Seneca. This assignment must be worked on individually and you must submit your own work. You are responsible to ensure that your solution, or any part of it, is not duplicated by another student. If you choose to push your source code to a source control repository, such as GIT, ensure that you have made that repository private. A suspected violation will be filed with the Academic Integrity Committee and may result in a grade of zero on this assignment or a failing grade in this course. https://www.senecacollege.ca/about/policies/copyright-policy.html https://www.senecacollege.ca/about/policies/academic-integrity-policy.html https://www.senecacollege.ca/about/policies/academic-integrity-policy.html WEB322 – ASSIGNMENT #2 – WINTER 2023 DUE: FEBRUARY 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST Technical Requirements • All back-end functionality must be implemented using only Node.js, Express, and Express- Handlebars. Other frameworks/packages are not allowed for this assignment. • Your views must be created with Express-Handlebars. • You can use a front-end CSS framework such as Bootstrap, Bulma or Materialize CSS to make your website responsive and aesthetically pleasing. • You are not allowed to use any Front-End JavaScript Frameworks. For example, you may not use React, Vue, or Angular. Objectives Data Module In this assignment, you are not reading data from a database. Instead, you will create one back-end node.js module file to encapsulate the static (“fake”) data for both the “Featured Rentals” section on the home page and the rentals shown on the “Rentals” page. For now, this module is going to represent the model for your MVC application but in the future, it will be deprecated. Place the file in a “models” folder and call it “rentals-db.js”. Your module, when complete, will: • Contain a local variable to store an Array of rental objects. Note: You may only use a single variable to store the rentals. This variable is a local variable and therefore it should not be exported. You will need to include at minimum six rentals: four in one city and two in another. • Export a function called getFeaturedRentals() that will return a single array of rentals where the rental has been flagged as “featured”. This function is used on the home page to display the featured rentals. • Export a function called getRentalsByCityAndProvince(), used by the “rentals” page, that will return a single array of rentals grouped by the city and province. More information about this function is available on the next page. WEB322 – ASSIGNMENT #2 – WINTER 2023 DUE: FEBRUARY 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST Each rental object will require at minimum the following JS properties. Use the property name and data type provided. • headline (String) – Cozy Lakefront Log Cabin • numSleeps (Number) – 2 • numBedrooms (Number) – 1 • numBathrooms (Numbers) – 1 • pricePerNight (Number) – 125.99 • city (String) – Scugog • province (String) – Ontario • imageUrl (String) – For now, point to an image placed in your assets folder. • featuredRental (Boolean) – true Notes regarding the getRentalsByCityAndProvince() function. • Do not hardcode or limit the number of cities that will be returned. • All logic must be written into a single function using vanilla JS. There is no need to have supporting local functions. • It is possible that cities in different provinces may have the same name. Use the city and province when grouping the rental properties. • You may use ES6 JavaScript features to help but this is not mandatory. • The array returned should look similar to this: [ { “cityProvince”: “Scugog, Ontario”, “rentals”: [ { headline: “Rental 1”, city: “Scugog”, province: “Ontario”, … “featuredRental”: true }, { headline: “Rental 2”, city: “Scugog”, province: “Ontario”, … “featuredRental”: false } ] }, { “cityProvince”: “Toronto, Ontario”, “rentals”: [ { headline: “Rental 3”, city: “Toronto”, province: “Ontario”, … “featuredRental”: false }, { headline: “Rental 4”, city: “Toronto”, province: “Ontario”, … “featuredRental”: true }, ] } ] WEB322 – ASSIGNMENT #2 – WINTER 2023 DUE: FEBRUARY 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST Handlebars Implementation In the previous assignment, you created a home page containing several components, for example, a header, navbar, hero, content sections, and a footer. You will move some of these components into reusable handlebars partial view files. Create only the following partial views and refrain from adding additional ones. • navbar.hbs – contains the html used to construct the header and navigation bar. • footer.hbs – contains the html used to construct the footer area. • rental.hbs – contains the html used to construct a single rental card. The remaining components, such as the hero and content sections will not be moved into partial views. Create a handlebars default layout view called main.hbs. The layout will contain markup that is shared across all pages of your website. This view will render the partial views for the header and footer. The layout should not include the hero image, content sections, or the rental partial view file. Create the following handlebars view files for the routes defined in the previous assignment. Make sure these pages use the default layout view. Anytime a rental is displayed, ensure you are using the “rental” partial view from above. Do not change the URL for any of the routes, simply use res.render() to display the correct view file. Remember that you are not implementing controllers, so place all you views in the “views” folder and partial views in the “partials” folder. Delete the index.html file from the previous assignment once you have created the views. • home.hbs – Home page, contains the hero, content sections, and featured rentals. • rentals.hbs – Rentals page, displays rentals grouped by city and province. • sign-up.hbs – A customer registration page to allow new users to create an account. • log-in.hbs – A login page to allow existing users to access their account. WEB322 – ASSIGNMENT #2 – WINTER 2023 DUE: FEBRUARY 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST Rentals Page You are required to build a well-designed listing page. The rental properties are organized in a grid with two columns. The third rental property will wrap to the next row. You will notice the rentals in the above screen shot are categorized in a section titled “Scugog, Ontario”. This title is read from the “cityProvince” property. If you have created your data module correctly, the WEB322 – ASSIGNMENT #2 – WINTER 2023 DUE: FEBRUARY 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST data you are working with is already grouped for you. Use two {{each}} iterators (one embedded in the other) to render the page. To demonstrate this functionality works correctly, you must ensure that the rentals view displays at least two sections. At least one section should show four rentals. Every rental card will display in a similar fashion as the home page (featured rentals). Furthermore, like the “Featured Rentals” section on the home page, the data for this section will not be pulled from a database, however, you are required to define the data in a separate back-end node.js module. This view must include the header, navigation bar, and footer. Don’t forget, the html for the rental cards are contained in a partial view and included on this page. Registration Page You are required to build a well-designed user registration form as shown below. You must ensure that the page maintains consistency. The view must include the header, navigation bar and footer. Do not include the hero or content section(s) on this page. Do not implement form submission, client-side validation, or server-side validation. WEB322 – ASSIGNMENT #2 – WINTER 2023 DUE: FEBRUARY 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST Login Page You are required to build a well-designed user login form as shown below. You must ensure that the page maintains consistency. The view must include the header, navigation bar and footer. Do not include the hero or content section(s) on this page. Do not implement form submission, client-side validation, or server-side validation. Responsive Design Ensure that your entire website renders well on a variety of devices, specifically on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. To accomplish this, you will need to use CSS Media Queries in combination with a modern CSS Layout Module (CSS Grids, or Flexbox, or both). You may optionally use Bootstrap in this assignment. Also ensure that all pages of your site follow the same branding outlined in your original home page. This means that all pages should use consistent colours, fonts, and styles. Reminder All back-end functionality must be done using Node.js, Express and Express-Handlebars. Your views must be created with Express-Handlebars. You will have three partial views and four view pages. All pages must operate responsively, in other words, must function well on all browser sizes. WEB322 – ASSIGNMENT #2 – WINTER 2023 DUE: FEBRUARY 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST Rubric Criteria Not Implemented (0) Little or no work done. Unacceptable attempt. Partially Implemented (1) Work is minimally acceptable but is incomplete or needs significant modification. Fully Implemented (2) Work is complete and done perfectly. Data Module • Contained in a separate Node.JS module named “models/rentals-db.js”. Includes only one private/local variable, no private/local functions, and two public/exported functions. • Contains a local variable that stores an array of six rental properties across two “city and provinces”. Array only contains rental objects as described in the specifications. • Contains the getFeaturedRentals() function coded as specified. • Contains the getRentalsByCityAndProvince() function coded as specified. Partial Views • Header with nav bar as specified. Named navbar.hbs. WEB322 – ASSIGNMENT #2 – WINTER 2023 DUE: FEBRUARY 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST • Footer as specified. Named footer.hbs. • Rental “card” as specified, includes all required fields. Named rental.hbs. Views • Main layout view as specified. All views use the layout file. Named main.hbs • Registration form as specified. Named sign-up.hbs. • Login form as specified. Named log-in.hbs. Home
Feb 19, 2023

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