I want the result layout is the same as in the pic (in a table form)
typedef struct memeber{
char eName[100];
char pOs[50];
float rpHour;
float hwWeek;
float gWp;
float nWp;
float tD;
int main(){
employee data[5],*ptr[5];
for(int l = 0; l < 5;="">
ptr[l] = &data[l];
printf("\tFILL UP THE FOLLOWING DATA :\n\n");
for(int a=0; a<5;>5;>
printf("Employee Full Name >> ");
scanf(" %[^\n]%*c",&data[a].eName);
printf("Employee Position >> ");
scanf(" %[^\n]%*c",&data[a].pOs);
printf("Rate per hour >> ");
scanf("%f", &data[a].rpHour);
printf("Hours worked a week >> ");
scanf(" %f", &data[a].hwWeek);
printf("Total Deduction >> ");
scanf(" %f", &data[a].tD);
data[a].gWp = data[a].hwWeek * data[a].rpHour;
float grosspay = data[a].gWp;
ptr[a]->nWp = grosspay - data[a].tD;
printf("%-18s%-15s%-10s%-15s%-20s%-15s%-15s\n", "Name", "Posiion", "Rate", "Hours Worked", "Total Deductions", "Gross Pay", "Net Pay");
printf("%-18s%-15s%-10s%-15s%-20s%-15s%-15s\n", "----", "-------", "----", "------------", "----------------", "---------", "-------");
for (int i=0; i<5;>5;>
printf("%-18s%-15s%-10.2f%-15d%-20.2f%-15.2f%-15.2f\n", ptr[i]->eName, ptr[i]->pOs, ptr[i]->rpHour, ptr[i]->hwWeek, ptr[i]->tD, ptr[i]->gWp, ptr[i]->nWp);
return 0;
Extracted text: Name Posiion Rate Hours Worked Total Deductions Gross Pay Net Pay ---- Albert Einstein Will Smith Steve Jobs Bianca cake Maria Clara Manager Sales 100.00 41 600.00 4100.00 3500.00 110.00 39 800.00 4290.00 3490.00 Developer Marketing Designer 150.00 42 1200.00 6300.00 5100.00 90.00 40 700.00 3600.00 2900.00 114.00 43 1000.00 4902.00 3902.00 Process exited after 0.1285 seconds with return value 109 Press any key to continue