I want the last of the assessmeent from file which is applied project. Please read the assessment formattung carefullyhallenges and insights that you have gained from your service learning...

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I want the last of the assessmeent from file which is applied project. Please read the assessment formattung carefully

hallenges and insights that you have gained from your service learning encounters in the light of two theological topics, themes, or notions of the course.

Format: Referencing is required

Submission: Submit your work as a single document via Turnitin in Blackboard

When submitting via Turnitin do not use the University cover sheet as Turnitin similarity checking will interpret the cover sheet text as possibly plagiarised. Instead check the box in the Turnitin submission portal confirming that the work is your own.

Marking criteria for this task

Area High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail


Applied Reflection

Analysis (25%)

The reflection demonstrates an exceptional degree of understanding of Justice, Charity, Acts of Service and/or Catholic Social Teaching

The reflection demonstrates an excellent degree of understanding of Justice, Charity, Acts of Service and/or Catholic Social Teaching.

The reflection demonstrates a good degree of understanding of Justice, Charity, Acts of Service and/or Catholic Social Teaching

The reflection demonstrates a degree of understanding of Justice, Charity, Acts of Service and/or Catholic Social Teaching

The reflection demonstrates little or no understanding of Justice, Charity, Acts of Service and/or Catholic Social Teaching

Communication (5%)

The writing style is a pleasure to read. There are no spelling or grammatical errors

The writing style is excellent. There are very few (if any) spelling or grammatical errors

The writing style is very good There are some spelling or grammatical errors

The writing style is acceptable. There are various spelling or grammatical errors

The writing style is unacceptable. There are various spelling or grammatical errors

Learning (5%)

The reflection demonstrates at an exceptional degree the development of the capacity for lifelong learning

The reflection demonstrates an excellent degree of the development of the capacity for lifelong learning

The reflection clearly and coherently demonstrates the development of the capacity for lifelong learning

The reflection clearly demonstrates the development of the capacity for lifelong learning

The reflection fails to demonstrate any signs of the development of the capacity for lifelong learning

LATE SUBMISSION PENALTY - MINUS 5% (of the assessment task’s identified value) for each of the first seven days (i.e. 0.05 x Days late = penalty), and MINUS 10% for each of the following three days (i.e. 0.1 x Days late = penalty)

Assessment feedback

Feedback on this task will be available through Turnitin usually within two weeks of the due date. See this guide for help with viewing your feedback in Turnitin.


CORE3002, 2024, Semester 2


Complete all assessment tasks AND achieve at least 50% when all assessment marks are totalled.

If you anticipate having difficulty meeting the due date for submitting an assessment task, speak with your lecturer or tutor as soon as possible.


EResources - Databases


See for example:

Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS JSTOR

These two databases are extremely useful for researching the essay. There are extensive recommended readings for the course.


The University Library provides guidance on referencing, including style manuals, principles and examples. For this course, students must use the referencing style:


• for footnotes and bibliography style: The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago) 17th edition.

• however, students may use the recommended referencing style of their own discipline (such as the American Psychological Association Manual of Style (APA) 7th edition). Page numbers must be shown for all citations regardless of reference style.


Your work should be presented as follows:

Arial or Calibri font in 12pt

Portrait orientation in A4 with margins of at least 2cm

2-line spacing

Word counts are strictly within a +/- 10% range, including in-text references, footnotes and quotes. The word count does not include reference lists/bibliographies.

Copy of assignment to be retained by the student

Long quotations should be avoided. However, if they are required a quotation longer than 3 lines should be indented 2cm from either side (single spaced) and then no quotation marks are used The essay must contain a properly formatted bibliography

Set the language setting on your word processor to Australian English

Use formal language. Formal does not mean pompous or grandiose, it means applying a professional standard to your writing, one that respects conventions of grammar.


This course requires attendance at all tutorials and students may be awarded a Failure for Non-completion (FN) grade if they miss more than 15% of such classes.


CORE3002, 2024, Semester 2


Information on the following can be found on this page: https://www.notredame.edu.au/additional- student-info

• Checking your Notre Dame email

• Course fees, financial and academic penalty dates

• Academic integrity

• Learning support

• Access and inclusion support and student wellbeing

• Assessment policies

• How to submit your assessment

• Querying or appealing assessment results

• Graduate attributes and professional outcomes

Answered 2 days AfterOct 09, 2024

Answer To: I want the last of the assessmeent from file which is applied project. Please read the assessment...

P answered on Oct 12 2024
6 Votes
Applied Reflection: Theological Insights from Service Learning
Service learning offers a significant open door to participate in beneficent goes about as well as to consider profoundly religious rules that shape's comprehension one
might interpret equity, local area, and confidence. During my encounters with administration learning, two focal religious subjects arose: Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and the Excellence of Noble cause. These ideas assisted me with understanding the quick difficulties I experienced in help and permitted me to ponder more extensive cultural issues like civil rights, disparity, and the Christian call to love and serve.
The Tension between Justice and Charity
Perhaps of the most striking test I experienced during service learning was the inborn tension between charity — the demonstration of aiding somebody out of their need and equity, which expects us to address the fundamental reasons for those necessities. In any case, Catholic Social Teaching features that while charity is fundamental, it can't remain solitary. True justice calls for more profound commitment with the designs and frameworks that sustain social imbalances, like destitution and vagrancy (Massaro, 2020).
A critical rule of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is the inherent dignity of each and every individual, and this pride should be regarded by all social and economic frameworks. This thought, featured in the Summary of the Social Doctrine of the Church (2004), supports that we don't concede poise to other people — it is a Divine being given right that should be maintained (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2000). Pope Francis, in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti (2020), reverberations this by contending that equity isn't just about uniformity yet about guaranteeing that our social and financial designs serve the benefit of all, particularly for the most vulnerable people in the society (Francis, 2020).
In my service learning, I much of the time experienced dissatisfaction while understanding that offering quick foundation frequently felt lacking in tending to the main drivers of poverty. Demonstrations of inherent cause alone, however imperative, could give impermanent help. Equity, then again, calls for supported obligation to fundamental change. CST's rule guideline, when matched with...

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