Page 1 CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Assessment 1 ITECH 7400 IT Service Management and Professional Culture Name Ethical Discussion Forum Purpose The purpose of the critique is to help students develop a...

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Page 1 CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Assessment 1 ITECH 7400 IT Service Management and Professional Culture Name Ethical Discussion Forum Purpose The purpose of the critique is to help students develop a knowledge of ethics. Timelines and Expectations Percentage Value of Task: Post 1 (10%) + Post 2 (5%) = 15%. Post 1 – Ethical Theories 1 and 2 – Due: Week 4 – Friday 10, April 2020, 4:00 pm. Post 2 – Professional Ethics – Due: Week 6 – Friday 24, April 2020, 4:00 pm. Minimum time expectation: This task will take approximately 20 hours to complete. Learning Outcomes Assessed The following learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment: K1 – K4, S1 and A1. Assessment Details Case Study Robotic surgery sounds like the ultimate in safe, efficient and effective 21st-century health care. Instead of a surgeon's potentially fallible human hand, you have a robot with its precision-built mechanical arms able to perform micro-accurate procedures on tissues deep within the body. With robot-assisted surgery, the surgeon sits at a nearby console with a 3D view of the surgical site. Computer technology translates their hand movements into precise manoeuvres of the instruments. If the surgeon's hand develops a tremor, the computer system knows to ignore it. Page 2 CRICOS Provider No. 00103D The technology also means surgeons can use finer instruments that cause less damage to the body. In turn, this should reduce blood loss and the need for blood transfusions - and mean that patients recover more quickly. With this kind of promise, little wonder that multi-million-pound robot machines are performing ever more operations across Britain. The technology, which was first used in 2000, is employed increasingly in intricate surgery such as hysterectomy, gallbladder removal and repair of damaged heart valves. But while for many patients robot surgery will have been entirely smooth, the technology is not risk-free. And leading experts are now voicing growing fears about its safety and effectiveness, warning of a growing human toll. Good Health has learned of one particularly alarming case in which a man suffered grievous injuries from a robotic procedure that nearly killed him when it went wrong. The patient, who can't be named for legal reasons, was suffering from prostate cancer and recently had his prostate gland removed by keyhole surgery using robot technology. His solicitors say the remote camera attached to the robot arm damaged the man's bowel, leading to severe infection, organ failure and cardiac arrest (Nash, 2013). Ethical dilemma: To what extend are IT professionals responsible for the surgery accuracy of robots they program? Requirements This is an individual task. Students are required to write two (2) forum posts in moodle which provide an analysis of an ethical dilemma associated with robotic assisted surgery from a software developer’s perspective. • Post 1: In post one (1) students should provide an answer to the ethical dilemma through the lens of each of the ethical theories presented in lectures. These include utilitarianism, deontology, social contract theory, character-based ethics1. The post should be approximately two to three pages long (800-1200 words). It should contain a brief overview of each of the four ethical theories, and a discussion and proposed solution for the dilemma, from each of the four ethical theoretical viewpoints. The discussion should show an analysis and synthesis of research undertaken and your own ideas. • Post 2: In post two (2) students will apply ACS code of ethics2 in order to solve the ethical dilemma. The post should be approximately one page long (300-500 words). The discussion should show an analysis and synthesis of research undertaken and your own ideas. Each post should contain a bibliography containing authentic academic literature. Post 1 (approximately 6–10 references), and Post 2 (approximately 4–8 references). Gather these references from various sources such as the Internet, assigned textbooks and readings etc. For assistance with in-text referencing and formatting your reference list in APA format, see the link to General Guide to Referencing provided. 1 Select two (2) virtues 2 Select one (1) ACS element Page 3 CRICOS Provider No. 00103D A quality post will include an introduction and conclusion and demonstrate a synthesis of content, knowledge, skills and ideas acquired from lectures, tutorials and academic authors. For assistance in writing blog posts: 938FF24F90465FAB50CF938FF24F90465FAB5&FORM=VIRE Academic Presentation Blogs should be presented in accordance with: • General Guide to Writing and Study Skills: and-Study-Skills.pdf • Assignment Layout and Appearance Guidelines: and-Appearance.pdf Referencing • General Guide to Referencing: Referencing-2016ed.pdf Submission This task will be marked by the course coordinator, lecturer and/or tutors. Students will be required to submit an electronic copy of their post via Moodle. Students are encouraged to keep a copy in MS Word. Feedback Feedback and marks will be provided in Moodle. Marks will also be available in FDL Marks. Plagiarism Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at Please refer to the Course Description for information regarding late assignments, extensions, and special consideration. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website, see: Page 4 CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Marking Criteria/Rubric Assessment Criteria Marking Scale Poor Excellent 1 5 Outline of theory 0 Discussion 0 Application and recommendations 0 Academic presentation – writing and layout 0 Referencing and bibliography 0 Total Mark [25 marks] 25.0 Total Worth [10%] + [5%] 10.0
Answered Same DayApr 16, 2021ITECH7400

Answer To: Page 1 CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Assessment 1 ITECH 7400 IT Service Management and Professional...

Abhishek answered on Apr 16 2021
150 Votes
Running Head: ITECH7400        1
ITECH7400        4
ITECH 7400
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Applying Ethical Theories to the Case and Finding Solution to its Ethical Dilemma    3
Utilitarianism    3
Deontology    4
Social Contract T
heory    5
Character Based Ethics    5
Conclusion    6
References    7
In the twenty-first century, there are different kinds of factors affecting technologies. The technological ground has experienced a number of new advancements with the help of science. The robotic surgery is one of the greatest inventions where the mechanical robots carry out the operations and the doctors monitor them and give them instructions through the computers. The computers are responsible for the different kinds of signals that are given to robots. These robots and their connected machines are designed by IT professionals. That is the reason why it is very important to focus on the correctness and accuracy of the surgeries done by the robots. This is the ethical side of the whole factor. Some ethical theories go side by side with this ethical dilemma and that will be discussed below.
Applying Ethical Theories to the Case and Finding Solution to its Ethical Dilemma
The theory of utilitarianism is a form of different ethical backgrounds. Through the different activities, providing the ultimate and profound happiness is the main aim of this utilitarianism. Through the different activities within the different organisation and institution, the people are connected and looking after their happiness is a very important ethical side of the activity itself (Mill, 2016). Utilitarianism is a very important part of the ethical consideration behind the different activities.
In the case of the robotics surgery, the utilitarianism ethical theory can serve a greater good. The IT professional needs to design the robots and their associated machines in such a way that they can observe the patterns of the surgery in their memory and the next time the surgery can take a lot less time (Piacquadio, 2017). Therefore, it may be stated that the control of the system has been an important ethical solution that may be handled by the theory.
On the other hand, they can also make the robots in such a way that they can identify the wrong moves and this can increase the accuracy of the surgery by making the parties involving in that surgery profoundly happy (Liu, Schuckert & Law, 2018). Thus through this theory, the ethical dilemma can be mitigated. Scrutiny in real-time is one of the key parameters in the context of the ethical parameters of the theory. Therefore, the chances of errors in real-time have been one of the solutions brought forward by the theory.
Deontology is such an ethical theory, which judges the morality of the...

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