ECONOMICS AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS LINEAR REGRESSION REPORT DUE DATE: 11 February 2019 WORD LIMIT: 1200 words WEIGHTING: 40% Instructions Background One of the biggest challenges in the higher...

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I want answers of all questions which are in the PDF file regarding linear regression report. please use excel file to answer these have to answer in detail looking at the information provided in excel sheet attached.

ECONOMICS AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS LINEAR REGRESSION REPORT DUE DATE: 11 February 2019 WORD LIMIT: 1200 words WEIGHTING: 40% Instructions Background One of the biggest challenges in the higher education sector has been the recent growth of online universities. The Online Education Database is an independent organisation whose mission is to build a comprehensive list of accredited online colleges. The Excel spreadsheet (OnlineEdu.xlsx) contains data on the retention rate (%) and the graduation rate (%) for 29 online colleges in the United States. Instructions Conduct a simple linear regression analysis to examine the association between the ‘retention rate’ (the independent variable) and the ‘graduation rate’ (the dependent variable). Using the Excel data file, prepare a 1200 word repot using the following structure. Purpose (2 marks) In this section, the purpose of the report need to be clearly and concisely stated. Background (4 marks) In this section, write an overview of the association between retention and graduation. Why would economists be interested in this particular issue? Method (4 marks) In this section, provide a brief overview of the data and empirical approach used to examine the association between retention and graduation. Results (20 marks) a) Provide a descriptive analysis of the two variables (e.g., mean standard deviation, minimum and maximum). (2 marks). b) Develop a scatter diagram with retention rate as the independent variable. What does the scatter diagram indicate about the relationship between the two variables? (3 marks). c) Estimate a regression equation that can be used to predict the graduation rate (%) given the retention rate (%) (2 marks). d) State the estimated regression equation and interpret the meaning of the slope coefficient (2 marks). e) Is there a statistically significant association between graduation rate (%) and retention rate (%). Explain (2 marks). f) Did the regression equation provide a good fit? Explain (3 marks). g) Suppose you were the president of South University. After reviewing the results, would you have any concerns about the performance of your university compared to other online universities? (3 marks). h) Suppose you were the president of the University of Phoenix. After reviewing the results, would you have any concerns about the performance of your university compared to other online universities? (3 marks) Discussion (5 marks) In this section, provide a brief overview of the key results. What are the key strengths and limitations of this analysis? (e.g., data, method, etc.). How do the results from this analysis compare with other studies? (e.g., are the findings consistent?). Do these findings have clear policy implications? Recommendations (5 marks) In this section, you should present three well-considered recommendations. Please ensure your report is submitted as a single file.
Answered Same DayFeb 09, 2021ECO82001Southern Cross University


Soma answered on Feb 10 2021
157 Votes
I. Purpose:
The report is written for the clear purpose of estimating the relation between the two key variables of education sector: retention rate and the graduation rate. With the help of simple linear regression technique, the study estimates the association between two major variables of the model. The current research is based on the data available for 29 online colleges. The study puts an attempt to design the research methodo
logy, deliberate the observation, sum up the key findings and the interpretations of the results. The study also provides some recommendations based on the key findings in order to improve the results in future.
II. Background:
Today online education is one of the major industries of the world that not only generates knowledge but also provides employment to a wide segment of world population. Despite the fact that the online colleges are booming in the education industry, they are also facing vast challenges. A high dropout rate is a growing concern for the institutions, instructors and also the policymakers. Several empirical studies have observed that retention rate has positive impact on the graduation rate of the college. (Leeds, et al., 2013)
In United States, higher education institutions are facing key challenges to deliver the quality education under the growing demand from students as well as the financial, social and political pressure. Poor retention rate is undoubtedly a major challenge particularly for the online institutions. Thus it is crucial to find out the association between the two variables and correctly address the issue while considering the policy formulations and resource allocation in the education sector. Policymakers, educators and even the prospective students provide greater emphasis on the retention rate while selecting the programmes in online colleges. (Uplanner, 2019)
III. Methods:
III.A The key variables:
Rate of retention and rate of graduation are the two major variables in the study. While the rate of retention shows the percentage of the students stay in the college, rate of graduation exhibits the total percentage of students completed the degree. The study considers the rate of graduation as dependent variable and the rate of retention as the independent variable.
III.B Methodology:
As far as the methodology is concerned, the study considers the simple linear regression model. III.C Data:
The research study has used the secondary data. The data for both the variables for 29 major institutions are collected from a major online site for education database.
III.D Model specification:
1.The model has 29 observations and two variables that include both the dependent and independent variable.
2.Thus the degrees of freedom is calculated as (29-2)=27.
III.E Empirical form of the model:
The empirical form of the model is
Gr= α0+ βRr
Where Gr represents the graduation rate
α0 is the intercept of the equation
β is the coefficient of the rate of retention, Rr
III.F Theoretical prediction of the model:
Several factors influence the graduation rate of a college and retention rate is one of them. Studies indicate that higher rate of retention is likely to increase the rate of graduation. The primary factors that affect the retention rate is the family crisis, illness, financial constraint, preparation for the study and the failure of the institution to live up as per expectations of the students. (Unigo, n.d.)
IV. Results:
Iv A. Descriptive analysis:
The descriptive analysis is illustrated in the following table. The calculations are shown in the attached excel.
    Stadard deviation
IV.B Scatter plot:
Scatter plot is nothing the diagrammatic representation of two quantitative variable. In order to have a clear understanding of the degree of association, we need to draw a trend line. The trend line suggests a positive associated between the rate of gradation and the rate of retention in the colleges.
IV.C Estimating the equation:
The estimated equation can be formulated from the summary output of the regression.
    Regression Statistics
    Multiple R
    R Square
    Adjusted R Square

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