This is your Programming Assignment 3 . When you have completed the assignment please ZIP you ENTIRE Netbeans project and upload it using the assignment upload link. Note, you must upload the entire Netbeans project in a zipped file; because, I check all your code to see if it runs. Remember that you must upload the assignment before it's due date to get credit. Otherwise, you will receive a zero for the assignment grade.
The project instructions can be found here:
For this assignment you been assigned a group number, which you can find in canvas's gradebook. Depending on the group number you are to write the recursive code that generates the sequence for your group number. For example if you are in Group 3 your code will generate the following sequence:
Group 3 Sequence
1, 1, 2, -5, 22, -106, 475, -2171, 9893, -45080, 205453, -936304, 4267030, -19446179, 88622237, -403878935, 1840601122, 201746431, -427139774, 1878826890
In addition, you will output the recursive call multipliers x, y, z values under your sequence output.
Note x,y,z are integers that can range in values from : -10 to 10
This assignment can easier be done if you know Linear Algebra. If you use Linear Algebra you must show your work, by attaching the pdf of the work in you netbeans project src folder.
If you do not know Linear Algebra you must crack the sequence my brute force....
Hint: Use the idea of Fibonacci recursive code in the notes with one more lag call.
Multiplier: x, y, z
X -> is the multiplier of the recursive call of the (n-1) term
Y -> is the multiplier of the recursive call of the (n-2) term
Z -> is the multiplier of the recursive call of the (n-3) term
This is a quick assignment and is due within a week.
You are to write your code individually, and not as a group.
Group 2 Sequence
1, 1, 2, 10, 20, 52, 152, 376, 992, 2656, 6896, 18160, 47888, 125584, 330320, 868816, 2282960, 6002512, 15781328, 41484112