I nThe company to work on is either Nestle or Myer or Fortescue
Assessment Type: Group report and presentation – combined group and individual assessment task.Please note: This is a group assessment and presentations are delivered by the group but individualpresentation efforts are be marked. As learning outcome d. stipulates teamwork, this assessment must bedone in groups of 3-5 students as advised by your tutor. Students are not permitted to refuse being part ofa group.Purpose: This assessment is designed to allow students to research and analyse current social issues inaccounting and evaluate their impact on various stakeholders. As a group assessment, it further developsstudents’ team working skills. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b, c and d.Value: Total value is 30% made up of 15% group contribution plus 15% individual contribution.Due Date: Date of your group presentation –group report material must be presented to your lecturer at thetime of your presentation. Presentations will be in tutorial classes Weeks 10 – 11.Topic: Identify and apply theories and models in accounting to a current topical issue related to acorporation of your choice from a list of corporations provided (note approval must be sought from yourlecturers and tutors). You are required to demonstrate your understanding of your chosen accountingtheories to matter current to the approved corporation by reference to published material from thecorporation and other related sources.Task Details: Choose a firm from a list of corporations provided by your lecturer / tutor, then find a newspiece related to your chosen firm’s issues. Pick one of the following issues: Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) or Capital Market Reactions (CMR). Identify and rationalise with appropriate accounting theories,the motive, effectiveness and impact of the firm’s CSR/CMR disclosures in addressing these issues. Basedon the case findings, groups must make recommendations on CSR/CMR reporting at the corporation levelas well as at regulatory level. Emphasis must be given to effectiveness of CSR/CMR disclosures.Group Presentation: Groups are to present their analysis and findings/ conclusions in a professional 5(five)-minute video presentation. Presentations should be a critical analysis covering the main theoryelements of the course – not just presenting a factual story – reference to corporate reports and othermaterial is encouraged. Information can be covered in any order in the presentation, but should containelements of the course. It is strongly recommended that groups prepare their presentations well in advanceof the presentation date, and make some effort to review their video presentation. This will improve thepresentation overall, and give groups a chance to improve and time manage their presentations. Videosmay be prepared using any available platform such as iMovie, MovieMaker, Prezi and others. Students arereminded that extensive use of third-party video materials in their video presentations may increase the riskof plagiarism.Research Requirements: Students need to support their analysis with references from the text and aminimum of ten (10) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources – check with your tutorif unsure of the validity of sources. Groups seeking Credit or above grades should support their analysiswith increased number of reference sources comparable to the grade they are seeking.Weekly Progress Report: Your lecturer / tutor will assign each student and group specific weekly targets.All students must demonstrate to their lecturer / tutor each week (weeks 7 to 9) that their tasks are onschedule. The purpose is to ensure students do not leave the task till the last minute.Submission requirements:Group Report: 1500 + 10% word report format – Word .doc or .docx. Title page, executive summary, tableof contents, appropriate headings and sub-headings, recommendations/findings/conclusions, in- textreferencing and reference list (Harvard – Anglia style), attachments if relevant. Single spaced, font TimesNew Roman 12pt.Video Presentation: Using the subject material with reference to the group report content, groups are topresent their analysis and findings/conclusions in a professional five (5) minute video presentation. Allgroup members are required to be involved in the preparation and presentation of the video. Groupmembers will be required to provide a written statement with supporting materials such as a groupcontract, minutes of meetings or other documents to support individual grading with respect to theirindividual contribution to the group work. Self-review and peer review will be conducted after the presentation. Group members will be required to answer questions with respect to the materials in thegroup presentation session.Students are required to view and keep a log for submission of at least 10 videos from the YouTubeChannel link for Top Videos. This must be provided to your tutor prior to week 10.www.youtube.com/channel/UCdH4uRjG4FrwYkmSC7BGHUg?view _as=subscriberPlease subscribe to the channel and then click on the bell symbol for notifications as videos are constantlybeing uploaded to the channel. As a record of your weekly progress report you will be expected to viewand post comments on the videos you have viewed.Group report:30% Research – extent and application30% Analysis20% Recommendations/conclusions20% Report contentTotal mark will be scaled to a mark out of 15 subject marks.Group Presentation: 15% A group mark will be given for the team component of the presentation and amark will be scaled to a mark out of 15 subject marks.30% Research – extent and application30% Analysis20% Recommendations/conclusions20% Video contentTotal mark will be scaled to a mark out of 15 subject marks.