I need to modify this program to use 2 void functions. One to calculate the price of a medium pizza and one to calculate the price of a large pizza. In addition to the 2 dollar coupon, the owner of...

I need to modify this program to use 2 void functions. One to<br>calculate the price of a medium pizza and one to calculate the<br>price of a large pizza. In addition to the 2 dollar coupon, the<br>owner of the store is now emailing customers a $1 coupon on the<br>purchase of a medium pizza. It needs to be in C++, Thanks<br>#include <iostream><br>#include <iomanip><br>using namespace std;<br>int main)<br>char size ='';<br>char coupon ='';<br>double price = 0.0;<br>cout << > size; size = toupper(size); if (size != 'M' && size != 'L) cout < "please="" enter="" either="" m="" or="" l."="">< endl;="" else="" if="" (size="=" 'm')="" price="9.99;" else="" {="" price="12.99;" cout="">< "$2="" dollar="" coupon="" (y/n)?="" ";="" cin="">> coupon; if (toupper(coupon) == 'Y') price -- 2; cout < fixed="">< setprecision(2);="" cout="">< "price:="" $"="">< price="">< endl;="" system("pause");="" return="" o;="" "/="">
Extracted text: I need to modify this program to use 2 void functions. One to calculate the price of a medium pizza and one to calculate the price of a large pizza. In addition to the 2 dollar coupon, the owner of the store is now emailing customers a $1 coupon on the purchase of a medium pizza. It needs to be in C++, Thanks #include #include using namespace std; int main) char size =''; char coupon =''; double price = 0.0; cout < "m(edium="" or="" l(arge="" pizza?="" ";="" cin="">> size; size = toupper(size); if (size != 'M' && size != 'L) cout < "please="" enter="" either="" m="" or="" l."="">< endl;="" else="" if="" (size="=" 'm')="" price="9.99;" else="" {="" price="12.99;" cout="">< "$2="" dollar="" coupon="" (y/n)?="" ";="" cin="">> coupon; if (toupper(coupon) == 'Y') price -- 2; cout < fixed="">< setprecision(2);="" cout="">< "price:="" $"="">< price="">< endl;="" system("pause");="" return="">

Jun 11, 2022

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