I need to find someone who knows how to code and work with SQL files.
You will be using the description file as your guide on this assignment. So turn to that for any questions.
Week 7 Activity 1 Create a batch file to execute ten SQL statements created in W6 Activity 3. Save the batch file as w7.sql. Execute the batch file and save the output as w7results.txt file. Submit both w7.sql and w7results.txt files back to me. W6 Activity 3 W6 Activity 3 1. Display the firstName, lastName, and phone fields from the members table (List of Members). 2. Display the title, year, and movieId fields for all those movies that are of Animation type. 3. Display the title, year, and movie_Id fields for all those movies that are of Sci-Fi type. 4. Display the title, type, and dateOut fields for all those movies checked out before 2017-12-31. 5. Display the title, type, and dateOut fields for all those movies checked out after 2017-12-31 that are Sci-Fi movies. 6. Display the title, type, and year fields for all those Drama type movies released between 2010 and 2019. 7. Display the firstName, lastName, title, type, and year fields for all the movies checked out by members. 8. Display the firstName, lastName, title, type, and year fields for all those Drama or Adventure type movies checked out by members. 9. Display the firstName, lastName, title, type, and year fields for all those Drama type movies checked out by the member identified by the memberId number 5. 10. Display the firstName, lastName, title, type, year, and dateOut fields for all those Drama type movies checked out by members after 2019-12-01. Test each SQL statement using the phpmyadmin interface.