I need to analyze a data set in SPSS using 2 techniques of the follwing: Identify technique(s) [must be an inferential technique covered in this course: t-test, ANOVA,chi-square, correlation. APA...

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I need to analyze a data set in SPSS using 2 techniques of the follwing: Identify technique(s) [must be an inferential technique covered in this course: t-test, ANOVA,chi-square, correlation. APA STYLE - I'm looking for the significance /relationship between Race, Gender, and Salary.
Answered Same DayAug 13, 2021

Answer To: I need to analyze a data set in SPSS using 2 techniques of the follwing: Identify technique(s) [must...

S answered on Aug 14 2021
147 Votes
The given data consist of an individual level data that contains information about gender, age, race, educational qualification, job title, salary etc.
A One-Way ANOVA is done to find out whether there is any difference in the mean salary based on race.
The hypothesis for testing this is;
The null hypothesis is;
H0: There is no difference in the mean salary in different race groups.
The alternate hypothesis is;
H1: At least one group in races will have a different mean salary.
    salary in dollars
    Std. Deviation
    Std. Error
    95% Confidence Interval for Mean
    Lower Bound
    Upper Bound
Here, the code...

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