Excel 1 Assignment – ISM3011 Ask before/after/during class or come into office/online hours if you have questions on any of this. Refer to the syllabus on Academic Dishonesty and group/individual work...

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I need this excel project done. It's not difficult and has a step by step breakdown of what to do. I just dont have time to do it rn.

Excel 1 Assignment – ISM3011 Ask before/after/during class or come into office/online hours if you have questions on any of this. Refer to the syllabus on Academic Dishonesty and group/individual work and allowable help for all projects – also remember it’s your responsibility to protect your work. Before you start -- read this whole assignment and use an optional text and/or review the tutorials as necessary. A project overview is also available. Part 1 – Create / Download • Create a blank workbook. Name it using your Last name followed by your initials and _ 1EX (underscore then 1EX). For Example: WarnerBL_1EX .xlsx or xls. Either extension is fine • Copy/paste the data from Excel 1- Music Data.docx , into the 2nd worksheet in your workbook. Name the tab MUSIC. • Adjust the YTD Units Sold (this represents YTD (year to date) Units sold for 2016) and 2015 Units Sold columns so that their titles are wrapped onto 2 or 3 lines within one cell. Adjust the Title column so that titles can be wrapped on 2 or more lines within one cell as needed (so titles are not cut-off). See the sorted example below. • Sort the data (do not sort or remove the title/heading rows) by Code. Check the sort to be sure all is correct. • Add conditional formatting to this Music worksheet that highlights any selling prices of $9 or more with a green background. If the selling prices is lowered below $9, the formatting should change automatically. • Using the named range feature of Excel, name all of the cells in this worksheet, MusicData. • No additional data/formulas should be added to the worksheet. Part 2 – Set up your 1st worksheet • Name the tab for the first worksheet, LookUp. Below is a sample of how I set up my worksheet. Use your own color scheme for your project – but include borders and backgrounds and include all of the components, as shown below. Component #1 – Title o Include a title with your name and any other information you think is appropriate. Merge and center it across all columns with data. o Below the title put the current date. Be sure you use the appropriate formula so that whenever your worksheet is opened, the current date is displayed (will change as the date changes). Again use the merge and center feature. o Add a colored border to the title and date rows (not black/ blue) & be sure the border is visible on all 4 sides (put a blank row above the title and a blank column to the left of the title so the whole border can be seen). Include a background color and font color (besides black/ blue). o Add a comment (using Excel’s comment feature) to your title and in the comment insert the date the worksheet was created and your email address. Component #2 – Input Area o Add an area to enter a music code. Try to make it obvious to the user that this is the data entry area. Use placement, borders, and/or background colors to distinguish it from the rest of the worksheet. o Include an arrow in this section; make it a color other than black. Use the SHAPE feature in Excel to create the arrow. Component #3 – Music Lookup Information o Use the VLOOKUP function/formula and search the Music worksheet for the code that the user entered in Component 2. o Display the information for the Code selected – use the same layout as in the example above. o Correctly use your named range (MusicData) and absolute cell referencing in your VLOOKUP formulas Component #4 – Calculations o Calculate and display the following in the LookUp worksheet. Don’t add any new formulas to the Music worksheet. o Gross Margin (Markup $) o Markup Percent based on the cost o 2016 Goal %: enter 15% into this cell. The goal is a 15% increase from 2015 sales on all music. o 2016 Goal in Units: calculate the new goal (15% increase from 2015 sales). NOTE: You can’t sell partial units, so don’t display decimal places – instead use the INT function to round down to the nearest integer. o Units to meet 2016 goal. How many units need to be sold to meet the 2016 goal? Use an IF function/formula so that no negative numbers are displayed (if they have sold more than their goal). o Using another IF statement, display a message if the sales goal has been met. Use a bright colored font for this message. If the sales goal has not been met, do not display anything. o Display the lookup information & calculations in the same order as the example above. Component #5 – Graph/Chart o Create the column chart displayed above: ▪ Select only the data needed for the chart (don’t select all data & delete items from the chart). Do not display any additional fields. ▪ Display the data values for each column ▪ The title should include the music title and should change each time new information is displayed. It should also be a larger font (greater than 12) and be a color other than blue or black. ▪ Place the chart on your LookUp worksheet. ▪ Format your chart & include: ▪ a 2-color gradient to format the columns ▪ a colored background on the chart ▪ colored fonts ▪ Do not use dark blue/black for these colors. Part 3 – Pivot worksheets • Using the data in the Music worksheet, create 2 pivot worksheets o The first should be a pivot table showing each Event Name and the average Selling Price. Format the table so that your numbers have a dollar sign, two decimal places. Add a title and format it so it looks nice. Name the tab Pivot 1. o The second should be a pivot table and chart showing each grade level code and the units sold for both years. The numbers should have commas and no decimal places and include data labels. Add a title and format it so it looks nice. Name this tab Pivot 2. o Add one more Pivot worksheet that shows some interesting analytics. Add a textbox to the worksheet to explain what you are showing. Include a title and nice formatting. Name this tab Pivot 3. Part 4 - Filtering • Create 3 worksheets and name their tabs Filter1, Filter2 and Filter 3. • Copy the Music worksheet data into each one of the filter worksheets. • Filter 1 – display publisher ‘CFP’ records that are for any kind of brass event. • Filter 2 – display grade 4 and 5 events for Tubas. • Filter 3 – show some interesting analytics. Add a textbox to the worksheet to explain what you are showing. Part 5 – Finishing Up • **Use the IFERROR function and if a user enters a MUSIC Code that doesn’t exist, display ‘Code Not Found’ for the title and blanks for the rest of the cells below (except for cell C20) • **Protect the LookUp worksheet so that the only change a user can make is to enter a different MUSIC Code. They shouldn’t be able to change any other cells in the worksheet. Don’t use a password, just leave that blank. Don’t guess how to do this, if you don’t know – watch the Tips on it. Test it when you’re done to be sure we can open the worksheet and enter a new MUSIC Code and be sure we can’t change any other cells in the worksheet. • Your worksheets should be in the following order: LookUp, Music, your 3 pivots and then your 3 filter worksheets. • Once a user enters a new MUSIC Code in the LookUp worksheet, all of the data and chart should automatically change. • Check your worksheet and be sure there are no errors or error symbols in your finished worksheet. If you don’t have this feature come into the lab to do this step. • Check your formatting – currency should have a $ and 2 decimal places, percentages should be formatted with a % sign and 1 decimal place. • Check your formulas, be sure they are correct and make sense. For example, if you are subtracting 2 numbers don’t use the SUM formulas (sum is for adding). Excel may figure out what you mean, but we want the formulas to be used correctly (show that you understand how to use them). Project Submission Instructions / Notes: • Office/online hours get busy as deadlines approach. If you procrastinate and wait until the last days to work on your project, you may not be able to get all the help you want. • The only way we can fairly grade the projects is if we check for each requirement. Please go through the instructions before you submit & be sure you have done each one correctly so you don’t miss out on points. Compare your solution to the project overview. • Submitting: o Remember to leave all of the internal file properties intact for your project, if they are modified or deleted, you project won’t be accepted (see syllabus for more on this). o Read and follow the instructions in the Assignments section of Canvas on uploading and checking your upload. If you follow these instructions, you can ensure that your project is uploaded correctly (and is the correct project). Be sure that Access / Excel are closed before you try to upload your project files. o If your project doesn’t upload correctly before the due date, it will be considered late and be assessed the late penalty – even it was finished on time. This is the only way we can ensure that students check their Canvas submissions.
Answered Same DayOct 18, 2021

Answer To: Excel 1 Assignment – ISM3011 Ask before/after/during class or come into office/online hours if you...

Mohd answered on Oct 19 2021
157 Votes
        Music Look up-
        Code    TB6003
        Title    KONCERTINO
        Composer    BARTA
        Code    TB6003
        Publisher    BH
        Event    TROMBONE SOLO
        Grade    6
        Cost    5.1
        Selling Price    9.8
        Gross Margin(Markup)    4.7
        Markup%    92.2%
        YTD Units Sold    20
        2015 Units Sold    29
        2016 Goal, % Increase     15
        2016 Goal in units    33
        Units needed to meet 2016 Goal    4
KONCERTINO    YTD Units Sold    2015 Units Sold    2016 Goal, % Increase     2016 Goal in units    Units needed to meet 2016 Goal    20    29    15    33    4    
    Code    Composer/Arranger    Title    Publisher    Grade    Event    Cost    Selling Price    YTD UnitsSold    2015UnitsSold    Gross Marg    Markup%    2016 Units sold    2016 Goal %:    2016 Goal in units
    BR5016    HUSA    DIVERTIMENTO FOR BRASS & PERCUSSION    AMP    5    BRASS CHOIR    3.25    6.8    42    162    3.55    1.09    186    15    24
    BR5018    MERRIMAN    THEME AND FOUR VARIATIONS    AMP    5    BRASS CHOIR    5.6    8.5    53    53    2.9    0.52    60    15    7
    BR6021    RIEGGER    NONET FOR BRASS    AMP    6    BRASS CHOIR    5.4    9.1    99    72    3.7    0.69    82    1
5    10
    BU5019    EAST / FROMME    DESPERAVI    AMP    5    BRASS QUINTET    3.25    9.7    64    137    6.45    1.98    157    15    20
    BU6015    HAUFRECHT    SUITE (ANY 2 MVTS)    AMP    6    BRASS QUINTET    5.6    8.1    75    123    2.5    0.45    141    15    18
    FH4029    HANDEL / EGER    SONATA IN G MINOR (MVTS 1&2 OR 3&4)    AMP    4    HORN SOLO    5.5    6.5    13    204    1    0.18    234    15    30
    FH5001    ADAMS    LARGO    AMP    5    HORN SOLO    3.25    5.4    55    166    2.15    0.66    190    15    24
    TU3036    SIEKMANN    PARABLE    BAR    3    TUBA SOLO    5.6    8.1    5    204    2.5    0.45    234    15    30
    TU4001    BARNHOUSE    BARBAROSSA    BAR    4    TUBA SOLO    5.2    9.5    58    217    4.3    0.83    249    15    32
    FH4053    SCHULLER    NOCTURNE    BEL    4    HORN SOLO    3.25    6.1    37    14    2.85    0.88    16    15    2
    FH5042    STRAUSS / POTTAG    FANTASIE    BEL    5    HORN SOLO    3.25    9.7    91    81    6.45    1.98    93    15    12
    TB4021    HIDAS    MEDITATION FOR BASS TROMBONE (BASS TBN)    BH    4    TROMBONE SOLO    5.3    5.6    46    31    0.3    0.06    35    15    4
    TB6003    BARTA    KONCERTINO    BH    6    TROMBONE SOLO    5.1    9.8    20    29    4.7    0.92    33    15    4
    BU5051    SMITH    CESARE LA BAVARA    BRP    5    BRASS QUINTET    3.25    9.5    73    55    6.25    1.92    63    15    8
    TP5012    BRAHMS / SAWYER    ANDANTE    BRP    5    TRUMPET SOLO    3.25    5.4    10    46    2.15    0.66    52    15    6
    TP5052    SACHSE / GLOVER / LEWIS    CONCERTINO IN Eb    BRP    5    TRUMPET SOLO    3.25    7.7    67    203    4.45    1.37    233    15    30
    BU6008    BUSS    CONCORD    BX    6    BRASS QUINTET    5.3    5.7    2    73    0.4    0.08    83    15    10
    EU4024    SIMON    WILLOW ECHOES    CF    4    EUPHONIUM SOLO    5.6    7.8    30    130    2.2    0.39    149    15    19
    EU5011    DE LUCA    BEAUTIFUL COLORADO    CF    5    EUPHONIUM SOLO    3.25    5.5    86    63    2.25    0.69    72    15    9
    TU5024    RINGLEBEN    STORM KING    CF    5    TUBA SOLO    3.25    9    1    102    5.75    1.77    117    15    15
    TU6001    ARBAN    CARNIVAL OF VENICE    CF    6    TUBA SOLO    5.3    5.7    32    44    0.4    0.08    50    15    6
    BR4018    HOVAHANESS    FANTASY NO 3    CFP    4    BRASS CHOIR    3.25    9.3    17    21    6.05    1.86    24    15    3
    BR4019    HOVAHANESS    FANTASY NO 4    CFP    4    BRASS CHOIR    3.25    5.2    64    149    1.95    0.60    171    15    22
    BR5003    COWELL    RONDO    CFP    5    BRASS CHOIR    3.25    9.1    2    89    5.85    1.80    102    15    13
    BU5029    HOVHANESS    SIX DANCES    CFP    5    BRASS QUINTET    3.25    6.3    64    18    3.05    0.94    20    15    2
    TP6025    LUENING    INTRODUCTION AND ALLEGRO    CFP    6    TRUMPET SOLO    5.6    7.4    40    137    1.8    0.32    157    15    20
    TP7010    STEVENS    SONATA    CFP    7    TRUMPET SOLO    5.4    6    13    123    0.6    0.11    141    15    18
    EU5031    VIVALDI / OSTRANDER    CONCERTO IN A MINOR    EM    5    EUPHONIUM SOLO    3.25    6.8    91    72    3.55    1.09    82    15    10
    EU7006    UBER    SONATA FOR EUPHONIUM    EM    7    EUPHONIUM SOLO    5.6    6.7    74    23    1.1    0.20    26    15    3
    FH4046    PURCELL / SMIM    SONATA IN G MINOR (MVT 1)    EM    4    HORN SOLO    3.25    8.1    13    65    4.85    1.49    74    15    9
    FH4048    RAVEL / MAGANINI    PAVANE    EM    4    HORN SOLO    5.1    5.2    94    58    0.1    0.02    66    15    8
    TB5056    SPILLMAN    CONCERTO FOR BASS TROMBONE & PIANO    EM    5    TROMBONE SOLO    3.25    5.2    98    123    1.95    0.60    141    15    18
    EU4009    HANDEL / BARNES    SOUND AN ALARM (JUDAS MACCABEUS)    JS    4    EUPHONIUM SOLO    3.25    9.4    7    47    6.15    1.89    54    15    7
    EU5020    MARTEAU / BARNES    MORCEAU VIVANT    JS    5    EUPHONIUM SOLO    3.25    8.6    36    36    5.35    1.65    41    15    5
    TP3069    SCARLATTI / BARNES    ARIA FROM OPERA TIGRAINE    JS    3    TRUMPET SOLO    5.6    7    59    91    1.4    0.25    104    15    13
    TP5062    TELEMANN / BARNES    ARIE FROM PIMPINONE    JS    5    TRUMPET SOLO    5.5    6.2    0    145    0.7    0.13    166    15    21
    BR4040    WAGNER / SCHMIDT    EVENING STAR    KM    4    BRASS CHOIR    3.25    5.5    21    29    2.25    0.69    33    15    4
    BU5044    ROE    MUSIC FOR BRASS QUINTET (ALL MVTS)    KM    5    BRASS QUINTET    5.5    6.6    54    185    1.1    0.20    212    15    27
    BU6005    BACH / FOTE    CONTRAPUNCTUS 9    KM    6    BRASS QUINTET    3.25    6.3    31    62    3.05    0.94    71    15    9
    FH3066    VON WEBER / MUSSER    MARCIA MAESTOSO    KM    3    HORN SOLO    5.1    9.9    85    94    4.8    0.94    108    15    14
    FH3067    WAGNER / UBER    RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES    KM    3    HORN SOLO    3.25    7.7    70    220    4.45    1.37    253    15    33
    TB5042    NESTICO    REFLECTIVE MOOD    KM    5    TROMBONE SOLO    3.25    9.1    38    82    5.85    1.80    94    15    12
    TB6014    DEDRICK    INSPIRATION    KM    6    TROMBONE SOLO    3.25    6.1    43    204    2.85    0.88    234    15    30
    BR6011    HANDEL / DISHINGER    WATER MUSIC SUITE #1    MMP    6    BRASS CHOIR    5.2    5.4    90    131    0.2    0.04    150    15    19
    EU2020    HANDEL / DISHINGER    BOURREE    MMP    2    EUPHONIUM SOLO    3.25    8.6    1    220    5.35    1.65    253    15    33
    EU2021    HANDEL / DISHINGER    SARABANDE    MMP    2    EUPHONIUM SOLO    3.25    8.6    26    184    5.35    1.65    211    15    27
    FH5017    HANDEL / DISHNGER    WATER SUITE MUSIC SUITE NO.2 ( FROM WATER MUSIC SUITE NO. 3)    MMP    5    HORN SOLO    3.25    5.2    91    156    1.95    0.60    179    15    23
    FH5029    MOZART / RAMM    SONATINA #1    MMP    5    HORN SOLO    3.25    7.8    96    66    4.55    1.40    75    15    9
    TB4023    KAPLAN    SOLILOQUY FOR TROMBONE    MMP    4    TROMBONE SOLO    5.4    5.9    63    221    0.5    0.09    254    15    33
    TB4033    MOZART / DISHINGER    CONCERTO IN Eb K.V. 142 (MVT 1 OR 2)    MMP    4    TROMBONE SOLO    5.6    8.4    72    37    2.8    0.50    42    15    5
    TP5019    FITZGERALD    CONCERTINO    MMP    5    TRUMPET SOLO    5.1    5.2    3    168    0.1    0.02    193    15    25
    TP5027    HANDEL / PERRY    SUITE NO 5    MMP    5    TRUMPET SOLO    5.2    9.5    58    23    4.3    0.83    26    15    3
    TU3032    PURCELL / DISHINGER    GAVOTTE AND HORNPIPE    MMP    3    TUBA SOLO    3.25    8    11    220    4.75    1.46    253    15    33
    TU3040    TCHAIKOVSKY / GERSHENFELD    AT THE DANCE    MMP    3    TUBA SOLO    5.1    9.8    22    84    4.7    0.92    96    15    12
    BR6013    KABALESKY    SONATINA NO 1    MUS    6    BRASS CHOIR    3.25    6.4    61    63    3.15    0.97    72    15    9
    BR4035    PILSS    HELDEKLAGE    RK    4    BRASS CHOIR    5.4    9    60    50    3.6    0.67    57    15    7
    BR4036    PILSS    TWO CHORALES (BOTH MVTS)    RK    4    BRASS CHOIR    5.4    9.2    41    130    3.8    0.70    149    15    19
    TP4035    HAYDN / VOXMAN    ARIA AND ALLEGRO    RU    4    TRUMPET SOLO    3.25    6.7    61    47    3.45    1.06    54    15    7
    TP4056    MOZART / VOXMAN    CONCERT ARIA    RU    4    TRUMPET SOLO    5    10    55    36    5    1.00    41    15    5
    TP5031    HUBANS / VOXMAN    SECOND CONCERTINO    SMC    5    TRUMPET SOLO    5.2    9.5    25    220    4.3    0.83    253    15    33
    TP6016    ERLANGER / ANDRAUD    SOLO DE CONCERT    SMC    6    TRUMPET SOLO    5.2    5.5    33    184    0.3    0.06    211    15    27
    TU6003    BEVERSDORF    SONATA    SMC    6    TUBA SOLO    3.25    9.6    16    95    6.35    1.95    109    15    14
    TU6018    OSMON    CONCERT ETUDES FOR SOLO TUBA (MVTS 7 or 10)    SMC    6    TUBA SOLO    3.25    6.6    98    140    3.35    1.03    161    15    21
    EU4021    PRYOR / SCHIFRIN    CAKEWALK CONTEST    VM    4    EUPHONIUM SOLO    3.25    7.2    42    17    3.95    1.22    19    15    2
    EU5030    UBER    DANZA ESPANA    VM    5    EUPHONIUM SOLO    3.25    6.6    98    111    3.35    1.03    127    15    16
    HQ4023    MCKAY    TWO PIECES    WB    4    HORN QUARTET    3.25    7.3    30    66    4.05    1.25    75    15    9
    HQ5005    HANDEL / SEYMOUR    FUGHETTA OF THE LITTLE BELLS    WB    5    HORN QUARTET    5.5    8.5    15    192    3    0.55    220    15    28
    TB3040    KETELBEY / TEAGUE    IN A MONASTERY GARDEN    WB    3    TROMBONE SOLO    5.6    6.7    24    145    1.1    0.20    166    15    21
    TB5027    GUILMANT    MORCEAU SYMPHONIQUE    WB    5    TROMBONE SOLO    5.4    9.2    32    29    3.8    0.70    33    15    4
    EU6016    SIMONE MANITA    BELIEVE ME OF ALL THOSE ENDEARING YOUNG CHARMS    WHAM    6    EUPHONIUM SOLO    5.2    9.4    70    68    4.2    0.81    78    15    10
    TP5057    SMITH    FANTASY FOR TRUMPET    WJ    5    TRUMPET SOLO    3.25    6.4    9    17    3.15    0.97    19    15    2
    TP5058    SMITH    RONDO FOR TRUMPET    WJ    5    TRUMPET SOLO    5.6    7.3    83    111    1.7    0.30    127    15    16
    TU4014    MATTHEWS    ALLELUJA, EXULTATE    WJ    4    TUBA SOLO    3.25    5.6    82    162    2.35    0.72    186    15    24
    TU5008    DANBURG    SONATINA    WJ    5    TUBA SOLO    5.4    6.2    8    53    0.8    0.15    60    15    7
    TU5029    VAUGHAN    CONCERTPIECE NO. 2    WJ    5    TUBA SOLO    3.25    7.1    50    111    3.85    1.18    127    15    16
        Event Name and the average Selling Price
    Row Labels    Average of Selling Price
    BRASS CHOIR    $7.59
    BRASS QUINTET    $7.46
    EUPHONIUM SOLO    $7.75
    HORN QUARTET    $7.90
    HORN SOLO    $7.16
    TROMBONE SOLO    $7.33
    TRUMPET SOLO    $7.13
    TUBA SOLO    $7.75
    Grand Total    $7.46
         Grade level code and the units sold for both years
    Row Labels    Sum of 2015UnitsSold    Sum of 2016 Units sold
    2    404    465
    EU2020    220    253
    EU2021    184    212
    3    1058    1217
    FH3066    94    108
    FH3067    220    253
    TB3040    145    167
    TP3069    91    105
    TU3032    220    253
    TU3036    204    235
    TU3040    84    97
    4    1731    1991
    BR4018    21    24
    BR4019    149    171
    BR4035    50    58
    BR4036    130    150
    BR4040    29    33
    EU4009    47    54
    EU4021    17    20
    EU4024    130    150
    FH4029    204    235
    FH4046    65    75
    FH4048    58    67
    FH4053    14    16
    HQ4023    66    76
    TB4021    31    36
    TB4023    221    254
    TB4033    37    43
    TP4035    47    54
    TP4056    36    41
    TU4001    217    250
    TU4014    162    186
    5    3075    3536
    BR5003    89    102
    BR5016    162    186
    BR5018    53    61
    BU5019    137    158
    BU5029    18    21
    BU5044    185    213
    BU5051    55    63
    EU5011    63    72
    EU5020    36    41
    EU5030    111    128
    EU5031    72    83
    FH5001    166    191
    FH5017    156    179
    FH5029    66    76
    FH5042    81    93
    HQ5005    192    221
    TB5027    29    33
    TB5042    82    94
    TB5056    123    141
    TP5012    46    53
    TP5019    168    193
    TP5027    23    26
    TP5031    220    253
    TP5052    203    233
    TP5057    17    20
    TP5058    111    128
    TP5062    145    167
    TU5008    53    61
    TU5024    102    117
    TU5029    111    128
    6    1425    1639
    BR6011    131    151
    BR6013    63    72
    BR6021    72    83
    BU6005    62    71
    BU6008    73    84
    BU6015    123    141
    EU6016    68    78
    TB6003    29    33
    TB6014    204    235
    TP6016    184    212
    TP6025    137    158
    TU6001    44    51
    TU6003    95    109
    TU6018    140    161
    7    146    168
    EU7006    23    26
    TP7010    123    141
    Grand Total    7839    9015
        Grade wise average Markup % with sum of 2015 units sold
    Row Labels    Average of Markup%    Sum of 2015UnitsSold
    2    164.6153846154    404
    3    79.8053067381    1058
    4    80.5115572141    1731
    5    98.06487231    3075
    6    65.7045091057    1425
    7    15.376984127    146

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