ISD 599/MFG 599 XXXXXXXXXXHomework No. 1 Module 3: SMART PRODUCTION SYSTEMS XXXXXXXXXXDue Feb 10, 2023 ...

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ISD 599/MFG 599 Homework No. 1 Module 3: SMART PRODUCTION SYSTEMS Due Feb 10, 2023 ____________________________________________________________________________ • Reading Assignment: Lecture Notes 1 and 2. • Problems: Problem 1. The efficiency, ??, of a machine can be increase by either increasing its average uptime, ??????, or decreasing its average downtime, ??????????. Is it better to increase ?????? by a certain factor or decrease ?????????? by the same factor, so that ?? is maximized? Problem 2. Consider a serial production line with eleven identical machines and ten identical buffers. Assume that one of the machines can be replaced by a more efficient one. Which machine should it be so that the throughput of the system is maximized? (Hint: Use the reversibility law to answer this question.) Problem 3. Consider a serial production line with ten identical machines and nine identical buffers. Assume that the capacity of one buffer can be increased. Which one should it be should be so that the throughput of the system is maximized? Problem 4: The layout of a production system for an automotive ignition device is shown in Figure 1. It consists of four main operations: Housing Subassembly, Valve Body Assembly, Injector Subassembly, and Injector Final Assembly. In addition, the system contains Shell Assembly, three Welding operations (L.H.W., U.H.W., and Weld), two Overmold operations (O.M.1 and O.M.2), two Set Stroke operations (Stroke 1 and Stroke 2), one Leak Test operation (L.T.) and one High Potential operation (Hi Pot). Finally, the system includes five buffers positioned as shown in Figure 1 and conveyor buffering among all other operations. Construct a structural model for this system and simplify it to an assembly line with one merge operation. Figure 1 Problem 5. The layout of a production system for another automotive ignition device is shown in Figure 2. It consists of 15 operations, separated by buffer- conveyors. Construct a structural model for this system and simplify it to a serial line. Figure 2 Problem 6. Consider a two-machine Bernoulli line and assume that N = 5 and ??1??2 = 0.81. (a) Under this constraint, find ??1 and ??2, which maximize PR. (You may use the trial and error method to accomplish this; alternatively, you may think a little bit, look at the expressions for ????, make an “educated guess” and verify it by calculations.) (b) For these ??1 and ??2, calculate PR, WIP, ????1 and ????2. What can you say about qualitative features of WIP, ????1 and ????2? (c) Interpret the results and formulate a conjecture concerning the optimal allocation of ????’s. (d) What is the interrelation of ????1 and ????2 under this allocation? (e) What is the relationship between ?????? and buffer capacity? Problem 7. Consider a two-machine Bernoulli production line and suppose that each machine produces a good part with probability ???? and a defective part with probability 1 − ???? , ?? = 1,2. Assume that quality control devices operate in such a manner that a defective part is removed from the system immediately after the machine that produced this part. Derive the formulas for the production rate of good parts, ??????, and for ??????,????1 and ????2 in this system. (Hint: Use ??1??1 as the new parameter, ??1′ , of the first machine.) Problem 1. From the reading materials PDF file Page 114, Question #5. You do NOT need to draw the string diagram, multicolumn process chart, and the from-to chart. Please consider a sequential layout of 1->3->4->5->6-2->7, (1) compute the layout efficiency based on string diagram (2) Generate from-to chart, assume all the products are the same in weight. (3) Compute the penalty points of the layout based on the from-to chart. Assume no penalty for back-tracking. Also, computer the layout efficiency based on the from-to chart. Problem 2. Problem 3. Page 246, 12.3 (please indicate the detailed sequence of departments going into the picture). Problem 1. There are 8 departments in the plant and the relationship chart is given as follows. Consider SLP method. Table 1.1 Value chart 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Importance value 1 - 1 3 3 1 1 0 1 2 - 4 1 0 1 0 4 3 - 4 3 4 3 3 4 - 1 4 0 0 5 - 0 0 0 6 - 0 1 7 - 0 8 - A semiscale grid representation of a layout is given as 8 8 2 2 8 8 2 2 1 8 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 4 1 3 3 4 1 3 3 4 5 3 3 6 5 7 7 6 Table 1.2 Efficiency evaluation (i.e., flow multiply by distance) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Efficiency value 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 0 Please answer the following questions: (1) Fill in the importance values in table 1.1. Based on the importance value, what is the sequence of the departments going into the nodal representation diagram? (10 points) (2) Please fill in the efficiency values of department 2 and 4 only in Table 1.2 based on the semi-scale layout and Table 1.1. (10 points) Problem 2 (1) How do you suggest this module should be updated to deliver the best value possible within 4 lectures ? (5 points) homework3 Homework4 Blank Page
Answered 1 days AfterFeb 13, 2023

Answer To: ISD 599/MFG 599 ...

Dr Shweta answered on Feb 15 2023
47 Votes
Ans 1. The efficiency of machine is calculated as:
e = 1/1+ [Tdown/(1+ά) Tup]
here, ά is the factor by which uptime is increased and downtime is de
ά > 1
According to the preceding equation, efficiency can be increased by either increasing the machine's uptime or decreasing its downtime.
Either an increase in uptime (Tup) or a decrease in downtime (Tdown) has the same effect on the efficiency of a single machine, i.e., both have the same effect.
Ans 2. The reversibility law states that maximum throughput is achieved when each machine's production rate equals the buffer's consumption rate. The total throughput of all machines and buffers should equal the output rate. If we wish to maximize system efficiency, we should replace the machine with the slowest output rate. Doing so guarantees that the replacement machine's output will grow by the same amount as the buffer's use. Thus, system throughput will grow while parts retain stable flow rates. This method assumes steady state production with consistent input and output rates. The reversibility law calculates throughput maximisation in this circumstance. If we can enhance the output of one of the machines by switching it out for a more powerful model, we can better distribute the system's inputs and outputs and achieve maximum throughput. In order to decide which equipment should be replaced, we need to find the machine with the slowest output rate. In order to maximize the system's throughput, we will replace...

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