Microsoft Word - BSBHRM405_MY E Campus practical
)BSBHRM405 – Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Email address
)Performance and knowledge evidence
To meet the criteria of this assessment, all candidates are required to demonstrate their competence in this field of study.
Options available for you to select:
1 Identify a Manager or Supervisor you have worked with for at least three months to complete the following form. He or she should have had access to and have read through your Case Study and Project in this Unit prior to this assessment, OR
2 Identify a qualified Assessor who can observe and assess you and complete the following form. He or she should have had access to and have read through your Case Study and Project in this Unit prior to this assessment, OR
3 Agree and organise for a teleconference (or skype) meeting with an AIPT Technical Advisor who will ask you a range of questions about this unit. He or she should have had access to and have read through your Case Study and Project in this Unit prior to this assessment, OR
4 Provide and attach copy of a Resume or CV which clearly demonstrates your competence in this field (AIPT reserves the rights to contact any identified referee – with your permission, to confirm competence), OR
5 Any other arrangement which suits you that will provide a qualified confirmation of your competence in this field. The person who undertakes the assessment should have had access to, and have read through your Case Study and Project in this Unit, prior to this assessment.
Name of Candidate:
Annette Brady
Email address:
Unit Code and Title:
BSBHRM405 – Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Preferred method to demonstrate your competence:
(please refer to options below)
Performance knowledge and evidence form
(To be completed by):
1 Manager or Supervisor who has worked and observed candidate over a period of at least three months
2 Qualified Assessor
3 AIP Technical Adviser
4 Candidate, with a copy of CV or Resume attached
5 Other (please refer to above)
Miss Brackets
Email address
[email protected] Highest (and current) formal qualification (if
I have read the candidate’s Case Study and Project submitted for this Unit
Yes / No
This Assessment has been undertaken as (please select ONE of the following):
Candidate (CV/Resume to be attached) Manager or Supervisor
Qualified Assessor AIPT Technical Advisor
Other (please state and describe)
Qualified Assessor
Phone No
Date Form Completed
BSBHRM405 – Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Performance, knowledge and skill evidenced
Completed Yes or No
Briefly describe HOW and WHEN this was assessed:
In my opinion the candidate has:
Blend ideas, concepts and specific information from workplace and regulatory texts to inform development of workplace documents such as a procedure for gaining approval for a recruitment...