I need someone to answer these questions
52 02 51 01 5 0 B9000M eloH R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R01 R11 R21 R31 R41 R51 R61 R71 R81 D ep th (m b el ow s ea fl oo r) egA yrevocer eroC 1 tinU 2 tinU C1=br Porites C2=tab Acroporid 20 10 0 C1 C2 C2 C2 C2 310-M0009B-13R-1encrusting algae 1.5-2.5cm and vermetid gastropodsheavy bioerosion C1 br Porites frag C2 br and encr Porites C3-6 br Porites 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 310-M0009B-10R-1 310-M0009B-7R-1 cm 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 cm 310-M0009B-7R-1 CORALS C1 encrusting montipora in situ, corallites preserved C2 massive montipora in situ C3 encrusting porites/montipora in situ C4 fol? porites? in situ, 4 colonies C5 encrusting porites/montipora C6 encrusting agaricid in situ C7 branching/encrusting porites? in situ 310-M0009B-13R-1 CORALS 310-M0009B-10R-1 Figure 1 Rubble Bindstone Microbialite Boundstone Rudstone Wackestone Coral framework CORALS Practical 11 - radiocarbon 9thMarch2015ppvs Practical11-Reconstructingsea-levelwith14C Duein29thMarch. Theamountof14C(half-life=5730years)inthemodern(1950)atmosphereis 6.0´1011atomspermoleof12C 1.Whatisthe14C/12Cofthe1950atmosphere? FossilcoralsfromcoreM0009BfromTahitihavebeenanalysedtodetermine their14C/12Cratio. Sample 14C/12C M0009B-7R-1C2 2.6´10-13 M0009B-10R-1C4 2.2´10-13 M0009B-13R-1C2 1.7´10-13 2.Calculatethepercentageofmodern14C,anddeterminethe14Cagesofthe corals.Thendeterminefromthecorelogshowfarbelowmodernssealevelthe coralsweresampledfrom(thecorewasdrilledin100.31mwaterdepth). RemembertheformulaN=N0e(-lt)(whereNcanbenumberofatoms,orisotope ratio). 3.Usingtheattached14Cagecalibration(adjustedforchangesintheEarth’sand Sun’smagneticfields),determinethetrue14Cagesofthecorals.Plotthedepth belowsealevelvs.trueageonagraph. However,thereisanadditionalconstraint:coralsonlyeverlivebelowsealevel. Thereforepastsealevelmusthavebeenabovethecorals. 4.Fromthecorelogs,habitatassemblagesandreefcrosssection,assigneach sampletoareefhabitat,andgrowthwaterdepths.Plotthenewdepthvs.ageon thesamegraphasabove. 5.Determinethemaximumsealevelchangethathasoccurredsincethecorals werealive.Whatwatervolumedoesthisreflect?(Assumethattheoceanscover 70%oftheEarth,andthatshorelinesarevertical.TheradiusoftheEarthis 6350km).IffyouassumethatallthewaterisreovedasiceonotonlyCanada& Alaska(11.7´106km2)andScandinavia(1.1´106km2),howthickwouldtheice be? Unfortunately the amount of 14C in the atmosphere has changed over time. This is because of changes in the Earth’s and Sun’s magnetic fields, which effect the amount of cosmic rays which reach the Earth’s atmosphere, and therefore also the amount of 14C produced. Therefore to get “true” ages the 14C ages need to be calibrated. This is done by measuring lots of samples that have “known” ages and measuring their 14C age. These samples with known ages include: Tree rings, laminated sediments where annual layers can be counted; and also corals which have been dated using another radioactive system (uranium decay to thorium). Use the calibration graph (Figure 3) to find the true ages of the Table 3 Sample 14C age from Table 2 True Age, years M0009B-7R-1 C2 11100 13000 M0009B-10R-1 C4 12500 14500 M0009B-13R-1 C2 14600 17500 Expected 1:1 line 14C Age:True Age Calibration Figure 3 Figure 4 Modern coral assemblages, and associated habitats. Associated species: Acropora (Tab) Porites (Br), Montipora (Enc) Thick algal crusts Habitat: High wave-energy fore reef zone Associated species: Porites (Br) Pocillopora (Br), Porites (Mas) Montipora (Enc), agariciid (Enc) Thick algal crusts Habitat: Back reef Branching Porites assemblage Robust-branching Acropora assemblage Associated species: Favia (Enc & Massive) agariciid (Enc), Porites (Enc) Habitat: Deep fore reef to drop off zone Encrusting and massive faviid assemblage Associated species: Montipora (Fol) Porites (Fol) Millepora (Enc), Echinophyllia (Fol) Habitat: Drop off zone Encrusting and foliaceous agariciid/Montipora/Porites assemblage Figure 5 Now using your assignments of habitat, and the above cross section of reef habitats, assign water depths that each dated coral grew in. Table 6 Sample Habitat (Table 5) Water depth corals lived in, m M0009B-7R-1 C2 M0009B-10R-1 C4 M0009B-13R-1 C2 Now add to your plot of coral position against age the water depths you have from Table 6. You should now be able to sketch in the change in sea level up until the present.