i need some help in my assignment
Semester 2, 2019 CSI1101, Assignment 2 PAGE 1 Computer Security (CSI1101/5122) Reference list, and Appendices (if you wish to add). You should not submit an ECU cover sheet with the assignment. Background/Assignment Overview: Linda owns and operates a small store called Ace Hardware in Perth, Western Australia. Linda currently employs twelve individuals none of which have expertise in cyber security. Linda has discovered that automation could bring fortunes to her work and as a result implemented an IT business model where she can undercut the prices of Australia's largest hardware stores by a significant amount. Due to this change, Ace Hardware is operating so well that Linda now plans to expand into all states in Australia. The large hardware stores have a vested interest in dominating the market; therefore, they would want to obtain price lists, supplier and contact information, and any other information which would allow them to potentially regain market dominance. Ace Hardware currently has four computers on the premises which are used to access and modify confidential data (i.e. supplier information, price lists, etc.). All four machines are using Windows 10 and Microsoft Office 2016. Three computers are laptops and operate wirelessly with no security. One computer operates through an Ethernet cable. The Internet is accessed through an ADSL 2+ connection using a D-Link G604t modem/router. None of the computers has been updated since July 2018, and there is no additional security software installed aside from the Windows 10 defaults. The computers are located in four separate offices, which are open and unlocked during business hours. As customers browse the store, they frequently walk past the employee offices located in a corner of the store. Linda occasionally takes one of the laptops home on weekends. The most up-to-date and accurate confidential data is located on a QNAP TS-210 located in one of the offices. Should a spreadsheet or document need to be updated, employees will download the file from the QNAP and then re-upload it using WinSCP. An altered file is not usually deleted from any of the computers. Linda has recently received an anonymous email suggesting that someone may be attempting to access the confidential data. Linda has hired you to find a solution to this very significant problem. For this assignment, you are required to research, analyse and present a security solution to Linda to be used by Ace Hardware. Task Information: Security is hard to sell to a manager, especially if they have little understanding of the area. Linda has no technical ability, and therefore she needs to be convinced that your proposed solution is appropriate for Ace Hardware. Due Date: Wednesday, 30th October 2019, 1400 AWST Length: Maximum of 2000 words excluding the Title Page, Table of Contents, Assignment: Investigation into Computer Security Countermeasures Assignment Marks: 25% of the final mark of the unit Semester 2, 2019 CSI1101, Assignment 2 PAGE 2 The manager, Linda, has requested that you compile a small, succinct report addressing six to eight critical cyber security issues. In producing your solution, you should address the following requirements: • Why the chosen cyber security issue should be addressed immediately. • A detailed explanation/demonstration of how you propose to address the issue. • Why your chosen solution is better than alternative approaches (i.e. clearly compare/contrast your solution to alternatives). • A detailed breakdown of hardware, software, and training requirements necessary to implement the proposed solution. (Note: one solution may or may not involve fulfilling all the requirements, i.e. hardware, software, and training. Further, you are not required to propose the specific brand/model of any of the three breakdown elements. You are only required what hardware, software, and training components are essential in implementing your proposed solution.) Further Details: • The report should be communicated in a manner that would be appropriate for someone with little or minimal computer technical literacy. You must ensure that you communicate your report outcomes using simple, clear language. Using complex descriptions or terminology will result in a loss of marks. Use acronyms correctly. Use analogies if it enables you to communicate the identified issue simplistically. • Not all solutions need to be of a technical nature. Think outside the box about what needs to be rectified within this expanding organisation. • You must make use of adequate in-text references throughout your entire report. Aim to use 7-10 (at least) end-text references throughout your entire report. EndNote is a useful tool to assist you with referencing. • Be creative in how you choose to communicate your findings. The report does not have to be a large collection of paraphrased text. Diagrams are a much more effective way of communicating an idea or concept. Tables and charts are an effective way to draw comparisons or contrast different ideas. However, all supporting material must be adequately acknowledged through referencing. Report Structure: Component Broad Description and Guidelines Title Page Unit code and title, assignment title, your name, student number, campus and tutor’s name Table of Contents This must accurately reflect the content of your report and should be generated automatically in Microsoft Word with page numbers. Introduction A succinct overview of the report. How did you formulate your solutions? What did you discover? What approach did you use to undertake your research into the subject matter? What are you covering within your report? What issues are being addressed in the report? Main content This section should be divided into components that address each issue independently. Each component should clearly address the report requirements as described in the task outline. Conclusion The section should briefly draw together the main points raised in the report. You should not introduce or discuss any new information. Semester 2, 2019 CSI1101, Assignment 2 PAGE 3 Component Broad Description and Guidelines References All evidence and ideas from sources must be written in your own words and must be acknowledged using in-text references in the body of the report and end-text references (reference list) at the end of the report. Correct APA 6th edition style referencing conventions both for in-text and end-text references should be used. Using the Endnote software will make this process very easy. NB: The marking rubric below is quite detailed for each of the criteria listed. You should consider these descriptors as you will be evaluated on them. If in doubt about any of these, you should ask your lecturer or tutor before the submission. Additional Points: • Start early and plan ahead. You may need to spend considerable time in understanding ransomware in general and then your chosen instances. • Carefully read the marking rubric. It contains a detailed description of what is expected of you. Ask any questions you may have. • The report must use an appropriate structure with clear, concise headings, and ideas must flow logically. • The style of writing should be appropriate for the purpose and the audience, including third- person objective voice, i.e., avoid the use of first-person (‘I’, ‘my’, ‘we’) and second (‘you’) person. • Sentence structure, spelling, punctuation and grammar should be correct for the report. • The report needs to be aligned as justified (not left-aligned). Deliverable: A single PDF or Microsoft Word Document. ECU Assignment Cover Sheet must not be included with the PDF document. Referencing, Plagiarism and Collusion: The entirety of your assignment must be your own work (unless the ideas are taken from sources, in which case you must reference) and produced for the current instance of the unit. Any use of unreferenced content you did not create constitutes plagiarism and is deemed an act of academic misconduct. All assignments will be submitted to Turnitin which will match your assignment to sources including previous copies of the assignment, and the work submitted by all other students in the unit. Remember that this is an individual assignment. Never give anyone any part of your assignment – even after the due date or after results have been released. Do not work together with other students on individual assignments – helping someone by explaining a concept or directing them to the relevant resources is fine, but doing the assignment for them or alongside them, or showing them your work is not appropriate. An unacceptable level of cooperation between students on an assignment is collusion and is deemed an act of academic misconduct. If you are uncertain about plagiarism, collusion or referencing, simply contact your learning adviser and ask. You may be asked to explain and demonstrate your understanding of the work you have submitted. Your submission should accurately reflect your understanding and ability to apply the unit content. Semester 2, 2019 CSI1101, Assignment 2 PAGE 4 Marking Key/Rubrics: Criterion Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction Identification of threats and vulnerabilities. (6 marks) <50%>=50% >=60% >=70% >=80% Poor or no analysis of the threats and vulnerabilities that may compromise assets. Poor or no justification why the selected issue should be addressed immediately. Each issue has not been sufficiently explained and justified for inclusion within the overall solution. Sound analysis of the threats and vulnerabilities that may compromise50%>